Amounts of Force
Motion and Speed
Mass and Motion
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

The force that brings two objects together, such as the Earth and you. 

What is gravity? 


The force that is probably the independent variable of this student's investigation.

What is friction? 


An object in motion always changes its _____________.

What is position? 


The (more or less) mass an object has, the less effect a push or pull will have on that object's motion.  

What is MORE? 

When a force is applied to an object, but that object doesn't move, it is because another _____________ force is being applied by something in the environment.

What is opposing? 


The force that is stopping this car.

What is friction?


The ramp that is likely going to experience the greatest amount of friction.

What is the bubble wrap ramp? 


An object in motion sometimes changes its _____________. 

What is direction? 

For a competition, a weightlifter has to roll a tire across a field.  He can choose from two tires.  One weighs 150 pounds and the other weighs 110 pounds.  Which one will be easier for the weightlifter to roll? 

What is the 110 pound tire? 


Two equal but opposing forces acting on an object.

What are balanced forces? 

Magnetism is a force that USUALLY attracts items made out of this material.

What is iron?


The person pushing, who will make the car move FURTHER (have a greater change on the car's motion). 

Who is the adult? 

also accept:  the red sweater person; person on the right


The two measurements you need to determine an object's speed.

What are 

distance and time? 


A feather and a brick.  If I blow on each equally, this one will move further.  

What is the feather? 

When you push something and it begins to move, is that an example of balanced or unbalanced forces? 

What is unbalanced? 


When a magnet pushes away another magnet. 

What is repelling? 

also accept:  repel


The ramp that will cause the ball to roll the FURTHEST (greatest change in motion).  

What is B? 


Amari walked 1 mile in 6 minutes.  What was Amari's average speed on his walk? 

What is 10mph? 

also accept:  10 miles per hour; 1 mile per minute


The feather and the brick - if I blow on them equally, the feather move further BECAUSE _________ 

What is, it has less mass.  

also accept:  it weighs less (although MASS is the correct term for amount of matter in an object).  


Is the rope going to move? 

What is YES! 

because the forces are UNBALANCED. 


When a magnet pulls an object, or another magnet, towards itself.

What is attraction? 

also accept: attract

This is what the teacher has to do to a soccer ball in order to kick it further than her fifth grade students kicked it.  

What is apply a greater force? 

also accept:  kick it harder!


Savannah ran 5 miles in 20 minutes.  

Denice ran 17 miles in one hour.  

Which person had a higher average speed? 

Who is Denice? 

5 miles in 20 minutes means 15 miles in 60 minutes (1 hour).  

Savannah ran an average of 15 mph. Denice ran an average of 17mph.  


Which would be easier to try to stop?  A runaway shopping cart full of frozen turkeys, or a runaway shopping cart full of cotton candy?  WHY? 

What is the cotton candy cart because it probably has LESS MASS.


Is the box going to move?  EXPLAIN why or why not.

NO - because the two people are pushing with OPPOSITE and EQUAL force.

also accept:  balanced forces.
