What is Snow Whites sisters name?
Rose Red
What part of the lions body can determine their age?
Their Nose
When does the therapeutic day end on the weekends?
How many years complete a decade
How many times did Ross Marry and divorce on Friends?
3 times
What was turned in to a carriage in the fairytale Cinderella
Which mammal has the thickest fur?
Sea Otter
What time frame does hygiene need to be completed.
PM Shift
Which one of the following is an even number?
A- 113-144
B- 330-366
Which green is usually found in a Caesar Salad?
What was the reason Princess Aurora fell asleep in the Grimm's Version of "Sleeping Beauty"?
A Spindle
What animal starts off the size of a lima bean?
AWOL- Property Damage- Physical Aggression- SAO- Harm to other- Failure to follow off campus expectations- 3 resolves within a 24 hour period are reasons to fall under what?
Phase Pause
Which flat picture may also be shown in three dimensions
Ray Charles was famous for playing which insturment?
What is the name of the raccoon in Pocahontas?
Which mammal has the most powerful bite?
Which protocol will need to have a DEARMAN submitted in order to be taken off of it?
When is Pi Day celebrated
Which country is Tasmania a part of?
How many brothers was Moana suppose to have?
9 brothers
Daily Double: What is a group of cats called?
A clowder
Wednesday, Thurs, Friday
Daily Double: What is the net prime number following the number 7?
"Let them eat cake" is a famous misquote attributed to who?
Marie Antionette