are heart rate and respiratory rate the same thing?
no they are not
what is a pulse ox used to find out
it is used to find your pulse
what do they help your doctor determine
they help to know if you need immediate or urgent treatment.
what is respiration
when you release energy from glucose
what does it mean when u have a high blood pressure
you are not active enough or have bad eating habbits ect
what can increase your heart rate?
Exercise, stress, and anxiety can increase your heart rate
whats pulse ox
a measure of your oxygen level and your pulse.
what a microrgamisim
A microscopic organism such as a bacterium, virus, or fungus. Although viruses are not considered living organisms, they are sometimes classified as microorganisms.
why is respiration important
Oxygen gives our cells the ability to break down food in order to get the energy we need to survive.
what is blood pressure
when your blood is pumping through your arteries
whats the average pulse/heart rate?
60 to 100 beats per minute
what does a pulse ox measure?
both your oxogen level and your pulse
what are vital signs?
Measurements, specifically pulse rate, temperature, respiration rate, and blood pressure, that indicate the state of a patient's essential body functions.
what is high blood pressure.
130/80+ is consited high
what tool do you take your pule or hart rate?
Pulse oximeters.These devices, many of which clip onto a finger,
how can u fix having a high pulse ox?
drinking water and be active.
what are the 4 most important vital signs?
whats low blood presure
110/60 130/80
how to fix having a high heart rate
you should be more active.
what does it mean when u have low pulse ox
you are unable to deviver oxygen to other parts of the body.
What an agent
In disease, a factor, such as a microorganism or a chemical substance, that can impact the development of a disease or illness.