Majors in Agriculture
School of Veterinary Medicine
Special Recognition
Is this School Right for You??
Students begin their college career in Ivy Tech Community College's Culinary Arts program for two years to receive their associates degree. Then students may transfer to the College of Agriculture at Purdue to complete the third and fourth years of the program.
What is Culinary Science.
This program offers an associates and bachelors degree where students learn tasks such as radiology, nursing care, anesthesia, and client education.
What is Veterinary Technology.
True or False: Purdue's biological/agricultural engineering program was ranked No. 1 by U.S. News & World Report magazine.
What is True.
Students interested in helping others and animals should consider which college?
What is School of Veterinary Medicine.
This program prepares students for jobs in wildlife research, management, and education. This major's curriculum is closely related to the fisheries and aquatic sciences, forestry, and natural resources curricula.
What is Wild Life.
True or False: Purdue is the only veterinary school in Indiana.
What is True.
True or False: Purdue's Veterinary Medicine won an excellence in Clinical Studies.
What is False. Purdue won an award for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty Research, Scholarship Engagement, and Service.
Students interested in food, natural resources, and business should consider majors in which college?
What is College of Agriculture.
This major prepares students for employment as managers and employees in finance, in marketing, and in managerial positions in agricultural business.
What is Agricultural Economics.
This is offered through the School of Veterinary Medicine for young children interested in careers in the veterinary field.
What is Boiler Vet Camp.
U.S. News & World Report ranked Purdue's veterinary medicine: a) 10 b) 2 c) 14 d) 17
What is 14th.
Which Holland two codes might be drawn to the School of Veterinary Medicine.
What is Investigative and Realistic.
Upon completion of this degree, a student is prepared to manage and provide technical information for golf courses, home lawns, athletic fields, commercial lawns, parks, recreation areas, and sod farms.
What is Turf Science.
What is the difference between a Veterinary Technician and a Veterinary Technologist in the career world?
What is Veterinary Technician aids Veterinary Technologist.
What team won Purdue's Agriculture award for help building a countries agricultural economy by rebuilding its agricultural universities?
What is Team Afghanistan.
Which Holland code appears the least in the College or Agriculture?
What is Artistic.
The Department of Agronomy option of this major focuses on operational forecasting, climatic assessment, and problem solving. Graduates are placed with agricultural extension, air pollution control boards, utilities, and private-sector weather and environmental consulting.
What is Applied Meteorology.
This department studies disease phenomena basic to all species including humans, at the molecular, cellular, organismal and ecosystem level.
What is Department of Comparative Pathobiology
Andrew DeWoody, a professor in Purdue University's Department of Forestry and Natural Resources won the 2011 Purdue Agricultural Research Award for his work in what?
What is genetics and ecology.
If you want a smaller group of students in your studies, which program would benefit you?
What is School of Veterinary Technology.