What day does Mark Celebrate Christmas?
What is Jan 7th
Talked to the same girl Krish talked to.
What is Caleb Smart-Nelson?
Is now in the US for a Sport
What is Emmanuel Marmalejo
What fragrance does ryan hate because he bought the wrong one and is salty
What is SWY Intensley?
Why did the GC Start?
What is summer bike rides
What is marks Fortnite User
What is FireShape30
Ryans Crush he won't admit but we all know he likes
What is Melina Boumis
Thinks hes mysterious (is in the room)
What is Mark Waweru(Bro deleted snap)
Dior Sauvauge Conosour
A 2 day function which brought us closer together
What is Milton Fall fair
Does Mark Say The N-Word
What is Yes!
What is Adam8884038.
What is Lara Zein?
My Instant Crush Beta ji.
What is Barnett Luo?
Who made Krish's discord PFP
What is Olivia Zhang
For what reason did mark go to PCC?
What is His parents forced him?
Has wrestled goldfish breath before
What is Lucas Stoehr, Barnett Luo.
Has been brought to BR functions despite being a pure CK Yute
What is Logan Chin?
What is ryans newest cologne a clone of?
Who never pops out to functions but is fiha when they come.
Mark Escandar, Logan Chin, Mark Waweru.
In grade 10, which girl did Mark Escandar tell that her clothes would look good on his floor?
What is Violet Ayvuz
What is Alex Boumis?
Girl Dihein will never get
What is HM?
Genuinly, If we being honest, who smells the worst.
What is Ryan/Dihein(Indians)
Whats the reason to do Secret Santa
To make memories