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Who am I?
One is the loneliest number.
Take it Away, Sam.
Another one, my friend.
What is English as a second language?
They aim to develop, maintain, and revitalize minority languages.
What are Maintenance bilingual programs?
All two way students receive THIS and THIS through both languages.
What is literacy instruction and content instruction?
The goal of this subtractive program is not to develop or maintain the student's native language but only to provide access to the language of school. Students in this program are typically expected to enroll in the program for 2-3 years and then exit into the standard instruction of the societal langauge.
What is (early exit) Transitional Bilingual Education?
This additive bilingual program includes both minority and majority language students with long term use of both languages for instruction.
What is two way immersion?
L1 & L2
What is first (or home language) and second language?
These are in general use around the world to meet the needs of immigrant children. Specialist teachers take second language learners out of the standard curriculum classroom for a portion of the day to teach the societal language.
What is Pull-out or ESL Pull-out classes?
They are two common models of two way program. (The ___:___ model and the ___:___model.)
What are the 90:10 and 50:50?
In this subtractive model specialist teachers are asked to go into the standard curriculum classroom to provide in-class support to second language learners.
What is the Push-in ESL model?
This additive bilingual program aims to revitalize a minority language and to add to the language skills that the minority language speaker already possesses.
What is maintenance or developmental bilingual education?
What is two way immersion?
This term refers to the placement of students in a standard curriculum classroom designed for native speakers of the societal language without any special accommodations.
What is submersion?
Two way programs enroll approximately equal numbers of these.
What are native speakers of English and native speakers of the minority language?
This subtractive model is usually found at the secondary level and is designed for newly arrived immigrant children with little or no English proficiency and low native language literacy skills usually due to interrupted schooling.
What is a Newcomer program?
This additive bilingual education program was developed for majority language speakers and has been very successful although the differences in the target population, the bilingual skills of teachers, and the bilingual goals of the program contrast widely from a similarly named subtractive program.
What is the Canadian Immersion program?
What is transition bilingual education?
These focus on developing proficiency in the societal language with limited or no development in the student's native language or languages.
What are subtractive models?
It is in Washington, D.C. and is one of the oldest two way programs in the nation, implements a 50:50 model, often with two teachers working together in the same classroom.
What is Oyster Elementary?
This subtractive program is designed to lead to monolingualism in the societal language, is often limited to one or two years of participation and proponents usually dishonestly rely on a Canadian program with a similar name to claim the effectiveness of this monolingual program.
What is Structured English immersion?
This additive program model has the goals to maintain and develop the student's native language, develop proficiency in multiple other languages, and develop positive cultural identities with one strong identity.
What is the European School Model?
What is Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English?
According to a national database maintained by the Center for Applied Linguistics there are over 300 of these in the United States.
What is a two way instructional program?
A third model of two way programs that has emerged which integrates students extensively but also includes some instructional time where the two groups of students are grouped by native language (or second language proficiency), mostly for language arts.
What is differentiated two way instructional program?
This is often mistakenly called a program but is actually a set of instructional practices, such as the use of visuals and simplified English, designed to be used in content area classrooms to make the content more comprehensible to emerging bilingual students.
What is sheltered instruction?
All additive bilingual and multilingual program models have one or both of these two language policy orientations.
What are language as a right and language as a resource?