Kohnert General Information
Kohnert Assessment
Kohnert Intervention
Sung Article

This is the primary goal of the initial assessment for individuals with aphasia.

To gather information for developing a course of action that serves both immediate and long-term interests


Family members play this role in the assessment of individuals with aphasia.

They can provide insights into the individual’s communication needs and language history


T or F: During intervention for bilinguals with aphasia, training cognitive processes most closely related to language functioning will improve skills in L1 as well as L2 or pave the way for greater gains during concurrent or subsequent language treatment.


Non-linguistic treatment (card sorting,addition, visual field training) performance on all cognitive processing tasks improved language functioning skills.


This type of questionnaire is recommended to gather detailed information about a bilingual individual's language history.

What is the Language Experience and Proficiency Questionnaire (LEAP-Q)?


This model emphasizes holistic perspectives in the assessment of individuals with acquired language disorders.

Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA)


This is the clinician's responsibility when gathering data during the assessment of individuals with aphasia.

To gather comprehensive information from multiple sources, including the individual and their family, to inform treatment planning


1. _____ _____ _____ is intervention that involves words are similar in both form and meaning in 2 diff languages. 2._____ can be targeted in treatment in an effort to jump start lexical retrieval  in severe aphasia by targeting cross language links.

Ex. Plate/plato, rose/rosa

1. Cross-linguistic Cognate treatment

2. Cognates


This behavior involves alternating between languages in conversation and can provide context for language impairment assessment.

What is code-switching?


According to the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA), this is a key measure of success.

Individuals' perception of well-being and participation in meaningful life activities


This tool can be used to collect language experience data.

LEAP-Q or Language History Questionnaire-2


List 3 actions SLPs can do to reduce barriers and increase opportunities at the environmental level.

1. Providing family members/caregivers resources and information to increase understanding about aphasia in their language.

2. Provide advocacy on behalf of BWAs within heath care settings and within the families.

3.Be culturally competent.



Bilingual speakers often find it easier to name pictures when using these types of words due to their similar meanings.

What are cognates?


This acronym stands for Quality of Life, defined as satisfaction in areas considered important within cultural, social, and environmental conditions.

Quality of Life; satisfaction in areas considered important within cultural, social, and environmental conditions


This standardized assessment tool is specifically designed for bilingual individuals with aphasia.

Bilingual Aphasia Test (BAT)


List 3 ways SLPs can educate caregivers/family members to prevent communication break downs with BWA?

1. Slow down when talking

2. Use less complex utterences.

3. Provide written/visual cues.


In language assessments, this approach allows for responses in a non-target language to gain a better understanding of semantic abilities.

What is context-appropriate scoring?


During assessment, this information should be gathered about an individual's language history and proficiency.

Premorbid language functioning in each language, previous experiences, and patterns of use


It is important to consider environmental factors when assessing bilingual individuals with aphasia for this reason.

To identify barriers and facilitators in their communicative environment


What is the definition of masked competencies?

Refers to the areas of ability in individuals with aphasia that are effectively camaouflaged by obvious difficulties in communication.

For example, assuming incompetence of intelligence or social ability.


At this level, clinicians assess features like word order and verb inflections in bilingual aphasia evaluations.

What is the morphosyntactic level?
