Models of Bilingual Education
English Only Approaches
World Bilingualism and Globalization
Bilingual Theory

In this program English language learners receive a portion of their content instruction in their primary language for 2-3 years and then are integrated into all-English instruction.

What is Early Exit or Transitional Bilingual Education?


English language learners are taught with mainstream students and given no special services.

What is English Immersion?


The obliteration or eradication of a language by means of no one speaking and/or writing in it any longer.

What is language death?


Known also as CUP, this concept determines that "there is an interdependence of concepts, skills, and linguistic knowledge that makes (proficiency) transfer possible" (Cummins).

What is common underlying proficiency?


Language result in which students become bilingual and biliterate.

What is additive?


Language result in which students typically lose their first language.

What is subtractive?


The change and reduction of forms and uses of minoritized languages until speakers of these languages eventually shift to using the dominant language.

What is language shift?


Also known as SUP, this theory states that what we learn in one language goes to one part of our brain and cannot be accessed when we are learning and speaking another language.

What is separate underlying proficiency?


Type of program in which English language learners receive content in both L1 and L2 for four to six years.

What are Late Exit or Maintenance Programs?


English language learners are taught only in English and teachers are trained to make English comprehensible.

What is Structured English Immersion?


This language with about 375 million first language speakers, 100 million to 400 million second language speakers, and 100 million to one billion foreign language speakers.

What is English?


The image of a dual iceberg to demonstrate the CUP model in which the icebergs overlap beneath the surface to create the area of common underlying proficiency.

What is Cummins' Dual Iceberg Model?


With this program students acquire a second language and achieve the same levels of competence as peers taught all in English.

What is Enriched Immersion?


English language learners are given ESL support. They are taught basic vocabulary and language structure and then integrated into all English instruction.

What is ESL Pullout Traditional Instruction?


The knowledge and power gained by students from the dominant culture who understand how things are done within the culture.

What is cultural capital?


To the extent that instruction in Lx is effective in promoting proficiency in Lx, transfer of this proficiency to LY will occur provided there is adequate exposure to LY (either in school or the environment) and adequate motivation to learn LY.

What is Cummins' (1981) Interdependence Hypothesis?


With this program Native English speakers and English learners become bilingual and biliterate.

What is Bilingual Dual-Language Education?


By the end of high school many of the students in this program drop out or are in the lowest fourth of their class.

What is ESL Pull-out or Push-in Content Instruction?


"The process of going back and forth from one language to another" - GarcĂ­a (2009)

What is translanguaging?


1. Long term
2. Instruction through the first language
3. Instruction through the second language
4. Sociocultural support
5. Interactive, cognitively challenging discovery learning
6. Integration with the mainstream

What are the six characteristics of effective programs for English language learners?
