What's on First?
Miranda Rights
I Know My Rights...
...And My Amendments
I Remember, Don't Worry

I'm free to see anything I want. I'm just not free from consequences.

What is Free Speech


Your Miranda Rights are written before this happens. They also have to tell you what is the charge.

What is being arrested?


The "right to bear arms" means I'm allowed to own a weapon. It doesn't matter what kind of weapon, but there's always a limit.

What is the Second Amendment?


The right to petition the government to change something I don't like is just one of five rights this Amendment gives me. 

What is the First Amendment?


Two is company, but is a crowd. Crowded House isn't just an 80s band, but a way that I can remember soldiers aren't  allowed in my house because of this Amendment.

What is the Third Amendment?

The government is allowed to tell me what to believe in. I'm given this right that let's me believe in anything, or even nothing.

What is Freedom of Religion?


You're arrested and a police officer starts to read you your Miranda Rights. He reminds you of this Fifth Amendment right, "You have the right to remain silent..."

What is protection from self-incrimination?


A police officer can get permission by asking "Can I search your car?" I can say, "No, come back with a warrant". I just used this right.

What is (protection from) illegal search and seizure?

When I get sued in civil court, this Amendment says I have to have a jury present.

What is the Seventh Amendment?


FRAPPS isn't just a drink from Starbucks. It's an acronym for Freedom of Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition, and Speech. It helps me remember the 5 rights in this Amendment.

What is the First Amendment?


If I'm upset with something, I can gather. This First Amendment right let's me get together and protest.

What is Right to Assemble?


The officer goes on to say, "If you do not have an attorney one will be provided for you". He's reminding me that this right comes from this amendment.

What is the Sixth Amendment?


The crime has to fit the punishment. I can't go to jail for 50 years because I didn't pay for my coffee this morning.

What is (protection from) cruel and unusual punishment


I have the right to an attorney, but this Amendment also says I have the right to a speedy trial.

What is the Sixth Amendment?


I don't tell have to tell on myself, I can't be tried twice for the same crime, and I get a jury who doesn't know anything about me or my trial? Sounds like this Amendment is important to know.

What is the Fifth Amendment?


I can write anything I want in my newspaper. It just has to be the truth.

What is Freedom of Press?


You don't have to answer the questions the police officer is asking me. I just need to remember to say this phrase.

What is, "I plead the fifth"?


I can be found innocent of a crime and walk out of court and admit to it afterwards. This right prevents me from being tried again.

What is (protection from) double jeopardy?


The police seized my car as evidence. Thankfully, this Amendment says they have to give me money for it. I'll just pretend they bought it off me.

What is the Fifth Amendment?


A pair of handcuffs can look like the number 8, which is the Amendment that protects me from this kind of punishment.

What is cruel and unusual?


If saying a lie is slander, then writing one is this word

What is Libel?


Most of my Miranda Rights come from these two amendments

What is the Fifth and Sixth Amendments?


The Ninth Amendment says I have to go to school. It doesn't actually say that, but it does say this.

What is "a right doesn't have to be written in the Constitution"?


This amendment says that powers not given to the federal government go to the states or the people. Washington DC doesn't have a say in what you learn in Social Studies, but New Jersey does.

What is the Tenth Amendment?

These two are tough, but promise me you'll remember them. One gives me more rights than the Constitution says and the other says rights not given to the federal government goes to the states or the people.

What is the Ninth and Tenth Amendments?
