1st amendment
Freedom of speech, religion, petition, press, assembly
2nd amendment
Right to bear arms
13th amendment
Outlawed slavery
The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment mainly impact the rights of what group?
Former slaves, black americans
3rd amendment
Quartering of soldiers
6th amendment
Right to speedy trial, lawyer, right to confront witnesses, impartial jury
19th amendment
Women's suffrage
Police officers go into someone's home without getting permission from a judge. Which amendment are they breaking?
4th amendment
Right against unreasonable searches/seizures
5th amendment
No double jeopardy, no self-incrimination, right to remain silent
15th amendment
Right to vote not denied by race (only men at this point)
Which amendment can be limited if the safety of the public is placed in jeopardy?
8th amendment
Right against excessive bail/punishment
10th amendment
Rights designated to states
14th amendment
Equal protection under the law, state laws must be constitutional, defines citizenship, designed to help freed slaves
What are amendments 4 through 8 also known as?
Rights of the Accused
7th amendment
Right to a jury for a civil trial
9th amendment
Rights of the people
24th amendment
Outlawed poll taxes
What is the main purpose of the Bill of Rights?
Protects citizens' rights against government mistreatment