The percentage of your income you pay in tithing
What is 10?
Next to the bestowal of life itself, this is one of God’s greatest gifts to you
This gift of the Savior allows us to repent
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Three items we should not take into our body as per the Word of Wisdom
Coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, abusing prescriptions, marijuana
Number of books in the King James Version of the Old Testament
What is 39?
The amount of time going without food or drink for a “proper fast”
What is two consecutive meals or 24 hours?
You are free to choose your actions, but you do not get to choose this
One of the things we should NOT do on the Sabbath
shopping, recreation, or athletic events. Do not seek entertainment or make purchases on this day.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has recommended that children aged .. 13–18 … should sleep this many hours (CDC website)
8–10 hours per 24 hours
What Bishop Robertson will bring you if you memorize your theme
What are cookies?
Something tithing funds are NOT used for
What is <lots of choices!>
This “will … help you be a wise counselor and companion to your future spouse and an informed and effective teacher of your future children.”
One of the things we should do on the Sabbath
spending quiet time with your family, studying the gospel, fulfilling your Church callings and responsibilities, serving others, writing letters, writing in your journal, and doing family history work
This drug is increasingly becoming legal in the United States but is still against the Word of Wisdom
Number of candles on President Nelson’s last cake (assuming one for every year)
What is 97?
Something tithing funds are used for
What are temples, church building, missionary work, …
Like seminary, but for after high school
This means thinking and doing what is right at all times, no matter what the consequences. When you have this, you are willing to live by your standards and beliefs even when no one is watching.
These can lift your spirit, move you to righteous action, and help you withstand the temptations of the adversary.
4 of the 6 women mentioned by name in the Book of Mormon
Who are <4 of Sariah, Sarah, Mary, Eve, Abish, Isabelle>?
How often you meet with the Bishop for tithing settlement
What is once a year?
A scripture I have memorized with the reference
Quote a scripture!
The Greek word for “repentance in the New Testament” (President Nelson April 2019 Conference talk)
What you can do if you find a movie you’re watching in a theater is inappropriate
Walk out
The decade the Billerica Ward was created
1950s (May 17th, 1959)