How many songs are in the EP
8 songs
how many songs are in the album.
how many songs are in this album
16 songs.
how many songs are in the album
10 songs
what song had the feature, "Khalid"
what song has the lyrics
"If teardrops could be bottled
There'd be swimming pools filled by models"
what song had a remix with Justin Bieber
bad guy
what song has the lion noises in the beginning of the song
I Didn't Change My Number
what song was has the lyric
"You need a seat? I'll volunteer
Now she's smilin' ear to ear
She's the headlights, I'm the deer"
The song, "What Was I Made For", was for what movie.
The Barbie Movie
what is the first song on the EP
what song was in the show "On My Block"
when the party's over
what song has the lyric
"Use different names at hotel check-ins
It's hard to stop it once it starts"
Billie Bossa Nova
what song had a extended version
L'amour De Ma Vie
what was "No Time To Die" for
it was for the James Bond film "No Time To Die"
what are the main colors on the EP cover
Yellow and Red
what song has the lyric
"Is there a reason we're not through?
Is there a 12-step just for you?"
wish you were gay
what song has the animated music video
my future
what was the most streamed song in the album.
Birds of a Feather
what was billie featured for the "Brat and It's Completely Different but Also Still Brat" album
what is the last song on the EP.
how many Grammys did billie win with this album
5 grammys including best new artist so 6
what is the movie this album was in?
"Happier Than Ever: A Love Letter To Los Angeles"
what song was referenced a main character in the animated film, "Spirited Away"
what song was RosalĂa featured in AND was for the "euphoria" show
Lo Vas a Olvidar/You Are Going to Forget It.