What is the most common side affect after a night of drinking?
Being hungover/ having a hangover
True or False: Binge drinking is bad
True: Binge drinking is bad
How many drinks can a man have before he will be over the legal limit?
A). 6
B). 7
C). 5
D). 10
5 Drinks
Binge drinkers have a bigger risk of?
What percent of girls in highschool binge drink
Your friend has been suffering with alcohol addiction and binge drinking and you are worried what should you do? (Choose one)
A). Do nothing and let them figure out what to do on their own
B). Try to hold a intervention for them
C). Encourage them to drink more
Cause of binge drinking: a mental health condition that involves a depressed mood and a loss of interest in activities for a prolonged period of time
Name what this condition is called
How many drinks can a woman have until she is over the legal limit?
A). 2
B). 3
C). 5
D). 4
4 Drinks
What influences binge drinking?
Peer pressure
Why is binge drinking considered more dangerous for women than for men?
More vulnerable to
* liver inflammation
* cardiovascular disease
* memory blackouts
* hangovers
* certain cancers
What is 1 short term side effects of binge drinking?
What should you do when you see someone binge drinking?
A. Cheer them on and tell them how awesome they are. Keep handing them drinks
B. Physically remove them from the drinks and other people. Tell them to lie or sit down and yell at them about how drinking is really bad.
C. Point the person toward helpful resources and tools, such as those found at Rethinking Drinking. Encourage counseling or attending a group meeting. Offer to drive the person to and from these meetings
How many drinks can a man have before it is considered dangerous?
A). 10
B). 11
C). 12
C). 8
10 Drinks
What are 3 problems associated with binge drinking?
the risk of several types of cancer,
What percentage of guys in highschool binge drink?
25.6% of male high school seniors engage in binge drinking.
What is the general definition of binge drinking?
Consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short amount of time
Define binge drinking
Binge drinking, or heavy episodic drinking, is drinking alcoholic beverages with an intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time.
How many drinks can a woman have before it is considered dangerous?
A). 7
B). 6
C). 8
D). 9
8 Drinks
What happens to your body after binge drinking?
high blood pressure
heart attack
heart faliure
What are the effects of binge drinking on drinkers?
What are 3 long lasting side effects that occur from binge drinking?
Name 2 causes of binge drinking
What alcohol percentage is enough to kill a person?
A). 0.50%
B). 0.60%
C). 0.70%
D). 0.40%
What type of learning is affected by binge drinking?
Verbal learning
What is the legal limit for blood alcohol percentage