Energy cannot be created or destroyed
What is the 1st Law of Thermodynamics?
A stack of thylakoids
what is a granum?
Where the calvin cycle takes place
What is the stroma?
The products of glycolysis
What are pyruvate, 2 NADH and 2 ATP (NOT 4 BECAUSE 2 ARE USED IN THE PROCESS)
Citric acid cycle occurs here.
What is the mitochondrial matrix.
Energy is lost as heat.
What are the first AND second laws of thermodynamics?
Goes into the light cycle.
What are light and water?
Enters the Calvin Cycle
What is Carbon Dioxide?
Glycolysis occurs here
The cytoplasm
The amount of ATP produced from the citric acid cycle.
What is 2.
Also produces:
Disorder in a system
What is entropy?
Is produced from the light cycle
what are:
Leaves the Calvin Cycle
What are:
G3P (makes glucose)
Occurs after glycolysis
What is the prep step?
the two pyruvate molecules (if O2 is present) and are converted to acetyl-coA. CO2 is released from this reaction. It occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.
The final electron acceptor for the ETC
What is oxygen?
Lower Activation Energy of a reaction
What is an enzyme?
Pathway of photosynthesis that only involves photosystem 1
What is cycle photophosphorylation?
The amount of times the calvin cycle spins to produce one glucose.
What is 6?
This process takes place if no oxygen is present after glycolysis.
What is fermentation.
Total amount of energy produced from cellular respiration.
Bind to the active site
Bind to the allosteric site
What is competitive inhibition?
What is non-competitive inhibition?
The process of creating ATP using a H+ gradient and ATP synthase
what is chemiosmosis?
This is the 3rd step in the Calvin Cycle.
What is regeneration of RuBP
Advantage of anaerobic ATP production
Provides a quick burst of energy
The more efficient electron carrier
NADH makes 3 ATP
FADH2 makes 2 ATPs