Nature of Science
Population Ecology
Food Webs

What is a controlled experiment?

A scientific investigation in which both the control group and experimental group(s) are kept under similar variables (matched variables) except the factor under study (the independent variable).


What 2 things affect biome location?

Temperature and precipitation


What does the s symbol stand for in the mark and recapture equation?

how many organisms were marked initially


What is another name for a producer?



What is the atomic number and mass number?

Atomic number= The number of protons

Mass number= The number of protons + the number of neutrons


A scientist wants to investigate how different colors of light affect the growth rate of a common houseplant. The scientist used identical pots with the same type of soil and an equal number of seeds or cuttings from the same plant. What is the independent variable in this experiment? And where on a graph would you find this independent variable?

The independent variable is the color of light used. The independent variable is found along the X-axis.


Why are places along the equator hotter than places at higher latitudes?

Hadley cells and the angle the sunlight hits the earth

What 4 factors determine population number/size?

Births, Deaths, Immigration (migration in), Emigration (migration out)


Rabbits are usually found eating veggies out of a garden. Grasshoppers are an example of what?

Primary consumer


An atom is at its most stable state when it has a...?

Completed valence shell


Hypotheses and theories are intended to explain what?



Wisconsin is cold in January and warm in July because...?

The earth's axis of rotation is tilted so that the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun in July and away from the sun in January.


What is competitive exclusion?

If one species is better adapted to an environment than a competing species, eventually the first species will drive the second species out of that environment


What is the 1st law of thermodynamics?

energy can change forms, but cannot be created or destroyed


What is the difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond?

An ionic bond is when one atom completely transfers one or more electrons to the other. A covalent bond is when two atoms share their electrons in their valence shell. 


What is the big underlying factor that makes facts different than hypotheses and theories?

Unlike facts, hypotheses and theories are debated and discussed by scientists and have the potential to be modified and even disproved in the future.


Which aquatic zone alternates between dry and wet?

Intertidal zone


What is the difference between density-independent and density-dependent factors?

Density-independent limits population size regardless of density (ex. weather conditions, pollution, pesticides)

Density-dependent are effective at limiting growth as population size increases (ex. increases in prey populations leads to increases in predators)


What is the 2nd law of thermodynamics relating to food webs?

transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next does not occur with 100% efficiency. On average only 10% of the energy in one trophic level becomes incorporated into the next trophic level.


What is hypoxia in the environment?

Bodies of water have low dissolved oxygen levels which can be harmful to aquatic life creating dead zones. 


In an environment, there are two different colors of moths, light and dark. In polluted areas, dark moths are able to better camouflage themselves against the soot-covered trees. As the years went on, there were more dark moths than light moths. 

What is this an example of? 

Natural selection


Which type of lake would you find lots of plant growth with smaller fish and humans are less likely to swim here and why?

Eutrophic Lake because it has higher nutrients for the plants and algae to grow making it less healthy and more gross to swim in.


r is positive on a graph when?

birth rate is larger than death rate
If a bald eagle is only consuming 10J of energy. How much energy is a primary consumer consuming?



Which of the following molecules would be polar?

CH4, O2, C3H6, C2H6O, H2, O2