Think Like a Scientist
DNA Pt. 1
DNA Pt. 2

Name one example of a Prokaryote and an Eukaryote cell.

Pro-bacteria, archae

Euk- you, plants, fungus (yeast), amoeba (plant)


What does the acronym U-ABC-IT stand for?

Use evidence

Ask questions

Be skeptical

Cultivate wonder

Identify confusion

Think like a biologist


Name the three different bonds/attractions that were discussed in class.

Ionic bond, Covalent bond, Hydrogen Attraction


Name two different similarities and differences between DNA and RNA

Similar: nucleic acids, both involved with transcription, have A,G,C, 

Differences: double/single stranded, RNA has U instead of T, DNA only trancription while RNA involved with both, location, functionality


What is a codon?

A codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.


Name two similarities and differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryote structure.

Similarities: have nucleus, DNA, cell membrane, ribosome

Differences: size, have bound organelles, pro unicellular vs euk multicellular, chloroplasts and mitochondria


Name two common functions of living things.

Transform energy, excrete waste, grow, sense, reproduce, respire/exchange gases


What are prions?

Prions are misfolded proteins that have the ability to transform normal proteins into misfolded ones


What is an intergenic region?

Parts of the chromosome that are between genes (DO NOT code for protein)


What are introns and exons?

introns: part of pre- mRNA that is removed

exons: part of pre-mRNA that is kept after splicing, this is the mRNA


Place the following items from smallest to biggest:


Eukaryote cell


Virus, Mitochondria, Euk cell


Name two common structures of living things.

Organs, tissues, cells, organelles, atoms, electrons, molecules

What are the four different macromolecules? Give an example of each.

Protein: hemoglobin

Fat: phospholipids

Nucleic Acid: DNA

Carbohydrate: glucose


If 16% of the nuceotides in a DNA molecule are Cytosine, then what would percentage be of Thymines in the DNA?

34% Thymine


What are silent mutations?

A change in the amino acid sequence, but the mutation does not affect the structure or function of the protein, a silent change that will do no help/harm to the body


What are the two main pieces of evidence for the Endosymbiotic theory?

1. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have ribosomes similar to the ribosomes in bacteria (pro)

2. mitochondria and chloroplasts have circular DNA similar to bacteria (pro)


What is the definition of function and structure in terms of living things?

Function: what something does

Structure: what something is made of


Explain the Altoid Scare.

Altoids were made from gelatin from cows, people feared that they would get Mad Cow Disease because of the gelatin


What are the four main characteristics for the structure DNA?

1. double sided, double helix

2. nucleotide is made up of phosphate, sugar, and nitrogenous base

3. hydrogen bonds hold the nitrogenous bases together

4. structure of DNA is key to its function


Explain what the transcription and translation processes involve.

Transcription: RNA taking a copy of the DNA in the nucleus to take it to the cytoplasm

Translation: in the cytoplasm where the building of the amino acid chain (protein) occurs


What is the Endosymbiont Theory?

A theory that says that modern day chloroplast and mitochondria were once free living bacteria; fused to create eukaryote cells


What is the Cell Theory?

A structure based theory that states that

1. living things are defined in biology as those things made up of one or more cells

2. cells are the basic building blocks of all living things (organisms)

3. A cell is the simplest collection of matter (atoms and molecules) currently considered to be alive


In terms of the PB and J sandwich example, what type of bond is being described:

You and a buddy cut the sandwich in half and share it between the two of you

Covalent Bond


What was Chargaff's contribution to the discovery of DNA?

Found that there were the same amount (%) of A and T and the same (%) amount of G and C in one organism; did NOT know that they went together


Explain the process, starting with DNA, how genes are created into traits.

DNA copied through trancription in nucleus, pre-mRNA spliced into mRNA, goes to cytoplasm where translation occurs with ribosome, amino acid chain created, folded to form a protein, protein creates certain traits
