Cell Structure

Based on hierarchal organization, what level would Yellowstone Park fall under

What is an Ecosystem 

(combination of all local biotic organisms and their abiotic environment)


Which subatomic particle gives an atom its identity (atomic number)

What is a Proton

(Has a positive charge and is in the nucleus of an atom)


Maltose (a disaccharide) being broken down into two molecules of glucose (a monosaccharide) by this process

What is Hydrolysis

(Breaks the glyosidic links by adding water)

(Dehydration synthesis removes a hydroxyl group from one molecule and a hydrogen from another, which condenses to form water) 


These small dots are found in the cytoplasm and associated with the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

What are Ribosomes

(Found in all cells, made in the nucleolus of eukaryotic cells, responsible for protein synthesis)  


The molecules that the lipid layer in membranes is primary made of

What are Phospholipids

(Glycerol phospholipid or Sphingolipids) 

(Some type sterol will be found in eukaryotic membranes)


The ability to maintain a constant internal environment regardless of the changes in the external environment

What is Homeostasis

(When internal temperatures drop, the hypothalamus stimulates shivering and the blood vessels to constrict)

(Temperature, Blood sugar, Blood pH, solute concentration) 


Which subatomic particles are responsible for forming bonds

What are the Valence Electrons 

(Energy levels indicate how far an electron is from the core, orbitals indicate where electrons are likely to be found)


Double bonds are present in this type of fatty acid tail

What is Unsaturated Fats

(Double bonds allow for more movement, so they are liquid to room temp)

(Saturated fats have no double bonds) 


Breaks down old organelles and molecules

What are Lysosomes 

(Creates an acidic internal environment to activate their enzymes)


This class of transmembrane proteins is responsible for moving substances across a membrane

What are Transporters

(Two types: Channels and Carriers)

(Receptors activate cell activity)

(Enzymes facilitate chemical reactions)

(Anchors help hold the membrane together to prevent lysis)


A suggested explanation for a phenomenon that is subject to further testing

What is a Hypothesis


What type of bond is formed when two atoms of the same element bond with each other (Ex: O2, N2, H2)

What is Nonpolar Covalent Bond

(Low difference in electronegativity means there is equal sharing of the electrons)

(Polar covalent bonds have a higher difference in electronegativity so there is unequal sharing (Ex: water)

(Ionic bonds are formed between a cation (metal) and an anion (nonmetal))


This functional group found in amino acids also has nitrogen in it

What is an Amino group

(Hydroxyl, Carboxyl, Phosphate) 


Structure unique to prokaryotes that function similarly to cilia in eukaryotes 

What are pili

(Helps with attachment and movement, but can allow for exchange of genetic material which cilia cannot do) 


This type of transport requires no energy to move the substrates and is driven the concentration gradient

What is Passive Transport

(Simple Diffusion (nonpolar) or Facilitated Diffusion (polar molecules or ions)(requires transmembrane proteins)) 


Claiming that "it is snowing today, therefore global warming is a hoax" is an example of this type of pseudoscience

What is Anecdotal Evidence


The type of bond is formed between two molecules of water

What are Hydrogen bonds

(Between oxygen in molecule and hydrogen on another)

(Allows for cohesion (attracted to self) and adhesion (attracted to other polar or ionic substances)


Glucose and fructose are this to each other

What is an isomer

Same chemical formula different arrangements


Where glucose molecules are synthesized in chloroplasts

What is the Stroma

(Light energy harvested in the thylakoids)


Cells are in this type of solution if water is flowing into the cell

What is Hypertonic

(Solute concentration higher on the inside)

(Hypotonic: solute concentration higher on the outside, water flows out)

(Isotonic: concentration equal, no net flow)

(Osmosis is the passive transport of water)


An enzyme binding with only a specific substrate is an example of which Core Concept of Biology

What is "structure determines function reflects lifestyle"


An atom with a different number of neutrons

An Isotope 

Impacts mass of atom

Ions have different charge due to a change in the number of electrons, not number of protons


Alpha helices and beta pleated sheets are related to which protein structure

What is Secondary

(Primary: sequence of amino acids)

(Tertiary: how entire polypeptide chain is folded based on 4 factors)

(Quaternary: the assembly of multiple polypeptide chains)


The type of junction that forms a barrier between two adjacent cells

What are Tight Junctions

(Adhesion junctions (Adherens, Desmosomes, Hemidesmosomes) connect to cells and Communication junctions (Gap, Plasmodesmata) allow passage of materials directly between cells)


The sodium/ potassium pump is an example of this type of active transport protein

What is an Antiporter

(Moves molecules in opposite directions)

(Symporters move in the same direction)

(Uniporters move just one molecule)
