vec = c(1,2,3)
vec = vec + 1
What is 2, 3, 4?
My Alpha value is 0.05. I run a statistical test that gives me back 0.11. Do I reject my null hypothesis?
Addition Rule
What function is used to create a scatter plot?
I want to create a new column using altered information from another. Which tidyverse function should I use?
What is mutate()?
$ is used for what data structure in standard library R?
1 categorical variable, with two outcomes. What hypothesis test is best?
rule for calculating likelihood of 3 consecutive events?
What is the first layer of ggplot()?
Is a two dimensional map of data corresponding to a location on a physical grid tidy data?
What is the equivalent of a Tibble in standard Library R?
A DataFrame
What does a p-value represent?
The probability of receiving a value as extreme or more by pure chance.
What is the difference between independence and mutual exclusivity?
independent events can happen together, mutually exclusive ones can't
Make a bar plot color in the bar respective to a certain variable
fill = variable
What data type is a tibble column?
A vector
What is the difference between dbinom and binom.test?
What is the formula for Baye's Theorem?
P(A|B) = P(B|A) * P(A) / P(B)
Two examples of how to change the x axis label
xlab() or labs(x=__)
summarize() function that we can use to find the row counts per grouped tibble
which(vec == condition) returns a vector of ...
chisq.test(conting_table) What is this missing?
difference between multiplication and general multiplication rule?
independence of events.
What symbol must come before the column name when using facet_wrap()?
What data type is a tibble?
A list