What enzyme is responsible for carbon fixation in the Calvin Cycle?
This compound is synthesized by combining a bicarbonate molecule with an Acetyl-CoA molecule
What is Malonyl-CoA?
This is the most oxidized and most reduced forms of nitrogen, respectfully
Nitrate - NO3 (most oxidized)
Ammonia - NH3 (most reduced)
This process results in Cytidine being converted to Uridine which can lead to these unwanted effects
What is Spontaneous (or Enzymatic) Deamination leading to premature stop codons?
The enzyme that animals lack, causing them to be unable to participate in the glyoxylate cycle
What is Isocitrate Lysate?
What is Photorespiration?
These are the 4 steps of fatty acid synthesis which together add 2 carbons to the chain
What are
1. Condensation
2. Reduction
3. Dehydration
4. Reduction (reprise)
This molecule serves as a convenient nitrogen store or disposal due to its allosteric inhibition of downstream products and the ability to be easily converted to other important biomolecules.
What is glutamine?
This class of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases adds the 5'-aminoacyl adenylate to the C2 of the tRNA A base
What is class I?
This is the location of phospholipid synthesis in both plants and animals
What is the endoplasmic reticulum?
These two substrates during the regeneration phase of the Calvin cycle produce Sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate
What is Dihydroxyacetone phosphate and Erythrose 4-phosphate?
The intermediate which is used to synthesize many other biomolecules including steriod hormones, cholesterol, and Vitamins A, E, K and D.
What is isoprene (or delta3-isopentenyl pyrophosphate)?
The molecule used to synthesize nucleotides in both the de novo and salvage pathway
What is 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate?
Small Ribosomal Subunit, tRNA, mRNA, Large Ribosomal Subunit
What is the order of initiation on eukaryotes?
This coenzyme is required during the reaction catalyzed by transformylase in order to synthesize fMet-tRNAfMet
What is THF (with an N group)?
This environmental condition leads to an increase of inorganic phosphate causing the cell to upregulate PFK-2 to convert Fructose 6-phosphate to Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
What is the dark?
Phosphatidylethanolamine (remove CO2 from serine with phosphatidyl-serine decarboxylase)
Phosphatidylcholine (Add 3 adoMet/SAM with methyltransferase to add 3 methyl groups leaving 3 adoHcy/SAH)
This transient covalent modification is used as a means of regulation for glutamine synthetase and is upregulated by a-ketoglutarate and downregulated by glutamine
What is Uridylylation?
These three initiation factors are the first to bind to the small ribosomal subunit during intiation (prokaryotic and eukaryotic)
What are IF1 and IF3?
What are eIF1, eIF1A, eIF3?
Ribonucleotide reductase uses these in order to regulate and determine the products created
What are Substrate specificity site and Primary regulation site which allow for individual dNTPs to upregulate the production of complimentary dNTPs to maintain balanced nucleotide pools?
This protein allows the passage of reducing equivalents from photoreaction centers to reduce O2 into H2O while the organism is in the dark
What is thioredoxin?
These are the 4 compounds involved in the mixed-function oxidase that causes the monodesaturation of a fatty acid
Enzyme: fatty acyl-CoA desturase
2 Cyt b5 Fe2+/ Fe3+
Cyt b5 reductase FAD/FADH2
This ribonucleotide is synthesized from Inosinate with GTP, while this other one is synthesized using ATP
What is Adenylate (GTP) and Guanylate (ATP)?
These components are required for which stage of protein synthesis:
Initiation Complex
aminoacyl-tRNAs specified by codons
EF-Tu, EF-Ts, EF-G
What is Elongation?
This process passes 8e- between ferredoxin, dinitrogenase reductase, and dintrogenase in order to convert 4CoA + 4 pyruvate into 4 CO2 + 4 acetyl-CoA
What is Nitrogen Fixation?