Photosynthesis/ CR
Osmosis and Such

Water has special properties that make it essential for life on Earth. One of these is the behavior of water in its solid form as ice. Which of the following best describes why salt is poured into icy roads and sidewalks in the winter?

a) salt rises the freezing point of water

b) salt lowers the freezing point of water

c) saltwater cannot freeze at any temperature  

d) fresh water will not mix with saltwater

b) salt lowers the freezing point of water


Which of the following environmental factors does NOT directly effect the rate of photosynthesis?

a) intensity of light

b) temperature

c) oxygen concentration

d)carbon dioxide concentration

 c) oxygen concentration


Which of the following statements is the best comparison of prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

a) Prokaryotes are incapable of movement, while eukaryotes use flagella for movement

b) Prokaryotes have many internal membranes and compartments, while eukaryotes have a large central vacuole

c) Prokaryotes have few specialized structures, while eukaryotes contain distinct organelles bound by a membrane

c) Prokaryotes have few specialized structures, while eukaryotes contain distinct organelles bound by a membrane

prokaryotes have no nucleus, internal membranes, or other organelles


Osmosis in animals cells requires the cells to be surrounded by which type of solution? 



c) amphipathic

d) isotonic

d) isotonic

(in equillibrium)


The stigma is the opening in a flower through which pollen moves to fertilize the eggs. Which characteristic would most help the stigma capture pollen?

a) making edible fruits

b) coloring that is bright

c) having a sticky surface

d) being protected by petals

c) having a sticky surface


What property of water allows it to dissolve a wide variety of substances?

a) polarity

b) neutral pH

c) high specific heat 

d) high surface tension

a) polarity


Which of the following are reactants in aerobic cellular respiration?

a)CO2 and H2

b) C6H12Oand H2O

c) C6H12Oand O2

d) COand H2O

c) C6H12Oand O2


Which of the following is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

a) ribosomes

b) lysosomes 


d) vacuole

a) ribosomes


A plant cell is placed in a solution that has a solute concentration twice as great as the concentration in the cell.  The cell membrane is selectively permeable, allowing water but not the solutes to pass through.  What will happen to the cell?

A. The cell will shrivel because of osmosis.

B. The cell will swell because of osmosis.

C. The cell will shrivel because of active transport of water.

D. The cell will swell because of active transport of water.

A. The cell will shrivel because of osmosis.


The structure of a leaf maximizes which physiological process?

a) absorption of water for cellular respiration

b) absorption of water for transpiration

c) exchanges of gas for photosynthesis

c) exchanges of gas for photosynthesis


Redwood trees are among the tallest trees in the world, reaching more than 110 meters (m) in height. Which property of water causes it to be transported up to the top of a redwood tree? 

a) hydrogen bonding

b) versatility as a solvent 

c) cohesion and adhesion

d) temperature moderation

c) cohesion and adhesion


In which way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different?

A. Cellular respiration stores ATP, while photosynthesis releases ATP.

B. Cellular respiration produces oxygen, while photosynthesis uses oxygen.

C. Photosynthesis releases energy, while cellular respiration stores energy.

D. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide.

D. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide.


Which of the following structures are found in both  plant and animal cells?

a) Cell wall, nucleus, & mitochondria

b) Cytoplasm, mitochondria, & cell wall

c) Nucleus, cell wall, & cytoplasm

d) Mitochondrion, cytoplasm, & nucleus

d) Mitochondrion, cytoplasm, & nucleus


A cell requires energy to move materials from an area of low concentration, across the cell membrane, to an area of high concentration. This process is called

A. osmosis

B. active transport

C. passive transport

D. facilitated diffusion

B. active transport


A plants vascular tissues are unable to produce phloem tissues. What effect will this have on the physiological processes of the plant?

a) the plant would be unable to transport water from the soil to the leaf for photosynthesis to occur

b) the plants vascular tissues would no longer be able to move water through the leaf because of air bubbles and other obstructions

c) the plant would be unable to transport the glucose produced by photosynthesis throughout the plant

c) the plant would be unable to transport the glucose produced by photosynthesis throughout the plant


Which characteristic of water contributes to its special, life-sustaining properties?

A. ionic bonds that create polarity

B. unequal sharing of electrons that creates polarity

C. slow molecular movement that contributes to high heat capacity

D. presence of oxygen that cause oxygen bonds between molecules

B. unequal sharing of electrons that creates polarity


Which of the following best describes the cycle of matter between humans and the environment?

a) Humans exhale carbon dioxide, which plants use in cellular respiration.

b) Humans inhale oxygen from plants, which is used in cellular respiration to produce water.

c) Humans inhale oxygen from plants, which is used in photosynthesis to produce carbon dioxide.

d) Humans exhale carbon dioxide, which plants use in photosynthesis to produce more carbon dioxide.

b) Humans inhale oxygen from plants, which is used in cellular respiration to produce water.


Which of the following correctly matches an organelle with its function?

a) nucleus – make ATP

b) mitochondria – photosynthesis

c) Golgi apparatus – manufacture of lipids

d) lysosome – break down waste materials

d) lysosome – break down waste materials


Essential nutrients move through a cell membrane by both passive transport and active transport. Which statement about active transport or passive transport is true?

A. Passive transport requires chemical energy to move nutrients into the cell.

B. Passive transport moves nutrients from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration.

C. Active transport moves nutrients from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration.

D. Active transport allows nutrients to diffuse through the membrane without the use of chemical energy.

C. Active transport moves nutrients from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration.


Dermal tissues in plants produce a waxy cuticle that protects the leaf. If this waxy covering were overproduced and the stomate became clogged, what would happen to the plant?

a) the plant would be unable to absorb oxygen

b) the plants stromata would be unable to open, and it would have limited ability to perform photosynthesis

c) the plants photosynthetic cells would be unable to receive light energy and the plant would have have a limited ability to perform cellular respiration 

b) the plants stromata would be unable to open, and it would have limited ability to perform photosynthesis


Which of the following best describes a result of the polar nature of water molecules?

A. Ionic compounds dissolve easily in water.

B. The volume of water decreases by nearly half when it is frozen.

C. Water molecules repel each other.

D. Water molecules repel most other substances.

A. Ionic compounds dissolve easily in water.


Carbon fixation is a process in which CO2 and energy from ATP are used to incorporate the carbon dioxide into a 3-carbon sugar. Carbon fixation happens in which of the following?

a) the light reactions

b) the Calvin cycle

c) the Krebs cycle

d) glycolysis

b) the Calvin cycle


Which organelle is responsible for controlling the passage of water, nutrients, and wastes into and out of the cell to maintain homeostasis?

a) Golgi apparatus

b) cell membrane

c) mitochondrion

d) ribosome

b) cell membrane


The process by which water passes into or out of the cell is called

A. solubility

B. active transport

C. osmosis

D. endocytosis

B. active transport


There are three basic kinds of cells that make up ground tissue in plants; parenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, and sclerenchyma cells. What is the main difference among these cell types?

a) efficiency in respiration

b) ability to store food

c) structure of cell walls

d) ability to move water

c) structure of cell walls
