barrier in all cells between inside/outside of cell.
What is the plasma membrane?
Organelle that captures light energy.
What are chloroplasts?
products of cellular respiration.
What is 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy(ATP)
Mitosis is made up of this number of stages.
What is 4?
Contains the genetic material of the cell.
What is the nucleus?
stores water and other materials in plant cells.
What is the central vacuole?
What are C6H12O6 (glucose) +6O2(oxygen)?
The location of cellular respiration.
What is the mitochondria?
relaxed (uncondensed) DNA
What is chromatin?
Water fearing part of the phospholipid bilayer.
What is hydrophobic?
location for cellular respiration.
The primary pigment in plants.
What is chlorophyll a/b?
Final step of aerobic respiration.
What is electron transport?
The stage of mitosis that involves the sister-chromatids lining up in the middle of the cell.
What is metaphase?
A solution that would cause the cell to swell?
What is hypotonic?
modifies and sorts proteins
What is the golgi apparatus?
metabolic pathways that use energy to build molecules
What are anabolic pathways?
The two types of fermentation?
What is lactic acid and alcohol fermentation?
Cell programed death.
What is apoptosis?
The second law of second thermodynamics?
What is energy cannot be transformed without the loss of usable energy (entropy)?
Location for synthesis of lipids
What is the endoplasmic reticulum?
What is produced during the light reactions of photosynthesis.
What is ATP, NADPH, and O2?
Stages of Cellular Respiration.
What is Glycolysis, Kreb's Cycle, and Electron Transport Chain?
Chromosomes reach poles of the cell, nuclear envelope re-forms, nucleolus reappears, chromosomes re-condense.
What is telophase?
Stacks of thylakoids
What are grana?