Animals that hunt other animals
what is a predator?
In Simpson's Diversity Index, what does the "n" represent
What is the number of organisms of one species?
Organisms that use energy from the Sun to make their own food through a process called photosynthesis?
What is a producer?
Consumers that only eat plants?
What is a herbivore?
What does the "N" represent in SDI
What is The total number of organisms of all species?
The path of energy as it flows from one organism to the next
What is a food chain?
One of the 3 major types of forest ecosystems, found in warmer areas with lots of rainfall and thousands of different organisms
What is tropical rain forests?
An organism that is eaten by another organism?
What is prey?
factors are living organisms that are part of an environment
What is biotic?
Consumers that eat both plants and animals?
what is an omnivore?
What is an Ecosystem?
What is a biological community of species and their interactions (biotic factors), and the features of that physical environment (abiotic factors).What is an organism?
organisms that make their food using energy from the Sun.
what is a producer
factors are the non-living factors in an environment such as temperature, light, water, soil and nutrients:
what is abiotic?
Consumers that only eat other animals
What is a carnivore?
What is a Habitat?
What is the range of physical, biological and environmental factors within which a species can survive.
When asked to deduce in an exam, you are asked to?
What is to Draw a logical conclusion based on evidence, data, or known facts?
The physical space occupied by a population?
What is habitat?
Total number of one type of living organism in a given area
What is a population?
What is the importance of Percentage Frequency?
What is an indication of the frequency of occurrence of a species in a sampled area?
What is a reflection of the biodiversity?
What is the real world use of Lincoln Index?
what is
Estimating Population Size – Helps determine the number of individuals in a species when direct counting is difficult.
Conservation Efforts – Used to monitor endangered species and assess population trends.
Wildlife Management – Helps in planning conservation strategies and managing ecosystems.
Efficiency – Provides a reliable estimate without requiring complete enumeration of a population.
When a plant or animal changes to survive
What is adaptation?
Why do we calculate SDI?
What is a measure of diversity that takes into account both richness (the number of species) and evenness (the relative abundance of each species) in a community.
Why Calculate Simpson’s Diversity Index?
How can you improve the accuracy of Lincolns Index?
What is the use of the following
Use multiple capture sessions to reduce bias.
Mark individuals in a non-invasive way to avoid affecting survival.
Ensure enough time for mixing before recapturing.
Adjust calculations for trap-happy or trap-shy behaviour
An introduced species to an environment that becomes overpopulated and harms its new environment.
What is an invasive species?