Name the vertebrate animal group. Hint: cold blooded, dry scaly skin
What are reptiles?
I am the driest of them all, have little rain fall, and above all, plants need to adapt to hot and cold for survival. What am I?
What is the desert?
Term for the hunted.
What is prey?
Despite its name, this spider the size of a human head does not in fact, hunt birds.
What is the Goliath or bird eating spider?
"Changes to the body to suit a location...."
What is an adaptation?
Name the vertebrate animal group. Hint: Warm blooded, hair
What are mammals?
I am the biggest of them all and my winters are long and cold. I don't get much rain, only mostly snow, but still lichens and mosses manage to grow. What am I?
What is the tundra?
Term for a carnivore that hunts for its food.
What is a predator?
The strange defence strategy of the short-horned lizard.
What is squirt blood from its eyes?
Scientists estimate there are this many different species of living things on earth.
What is 8.7 million?
Name the vertebrate animal group. Hint: gills
What are fish?
I usually have four seasons each year and i also sometimes have white-tailed deer. I'm cold in the winter and warm in the summer and in the autumn my leaves change colour. What am I?
What is a temperate forest?
A symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit.
What is mutualism?
The unique adaptation that allows some frogs to survive the cold winter months.
What is freeze or stay frozen?
Name three major threats to biodiversity.
Answers may vary (Pollution, Climate Change, Habitat Loss and Fragmentation, Invasive Species and Unsustainable Harvest)
Name the vertebrate animal group. Hint: cold blooded, two-legged
What are birds?
I have warm temperatures, wet weather, and lush plants. I also, sometimes have many species of ants. I don't have a lot of nutrients so my soil is very meager. What am I?
What is a tropical rainforest?
A symbiotic relationship where one species is harmed, while the other benefits.
What is parasitism?
The way the killer cone snail kills its prey.
What is shoot a venomous harpoon?
A living thing that is introduced to a new environment and typically causes damage to their new ecosystem.
Name the vertebrate animal group. Hint: Name means "two lives"
What are amphibians?
Lions and tigers oh my! I am characterized by vast open spaces full of tall grasses. There are two types of grasslands-temperate grasslands, and this type found in tropical areas that have a warm climate and a short rainy season and a dry season. What am I?
What is a Savannah?
A symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits, while the other is neither harmed nor benefits.
What is commensalism?
Teamwork makes the dreamwork. Describe how fire ants work together to escape a flood.
What is form a raft?
Name for a key for the identification of organisms based on a series of choices between alternative characters.
What is a dichotomous key?