Animals that hunt other animals
what is a predator?
The ability for an animal to change colors to blend into it's environment
What is camouflage?
Organisms that use energy from the Sun to make their own food through a process called photosynthesis?
What is a producer?
Consumers that only eat plants?
What is a herbivore?
sleep all winter
what is hibernation?
The path of energy as it flows from one organism to the next
What is a food chain?
One of the 3 major types of forest ecosystems, found in warmer areas with lots of rainfall and thousands of different organisms
What is tropical rain forests?
An organism that is eaten by another organism?
What is prey?
Relationship where both organisms benefit?
What is mutualism?
Consumers that eat both plants and animals?
what is an omnivore?
Relationship where one organism is helped and the other is harmed.
What is parasitism?
3 things that humans do to negatively impact Biodiversity.
answers may vary.
What is the max time a chicken has been able to live without a head?
what is 18 months?
Consumers that only eat other animals
What is a carnivore?
An organism that gets energy by breaking down nutrients in dead organisms?
What is a decomposer?
Seasonal movement of animals to follow food supply
What is migration?
The physical space occupied by a population?
What is habitat?
Total number of one type of living organism in a given area
What is a population?
Relationship where one organism benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped.
What is commensalism?
The ability for a plant to make its own food using sunlight
What is photosynthesis?
3 characteristics of a mammal
What is...
1. fur or hair
2. babies drink milk from mom
3. vertebrates (have backbone)
4. most born alive
5. breathe air through lungs.
When a plant or animal changes to survive
What is adaptation?
a species that is very likely to become extinct in the near future, either worldwide or in a particular area
What is endangered?
Made up of all the populations that live in the same area?
What is a community?
An introduced species to an environment that becomes overpopulated and harms its new environment.
What is an invasive species?