What is Biodiversity?
The variety and abundance of life in the world/ecosystem
Causes of Biodiversity loss (list at least 2).
Deforestation/logging, destruction of habitats, Genetic Homogenization, exploitation of resources (both plant and animal), tndustrial waste, Etc.
Biodiversity affects the stability and security of what?
Crop/food sources or medicinal resources.
Who is affected by the Loss of biodiversity?
Everyone (including plant and animals)
What is Ecosystem Diversity?
The range of different ecosystems on Earth
What percent of WHOs "basic" and "essential" drugs are plant based?
An organization working with countries and companies to promote more sustainable farming practices
Resilient Food Systems
What is the proposed way people can help combat the loss of biodiversity?
Incentivising sustainable Farming
What is Genetic Diversity?
Genetic differences between members of the same species
What percent of Terrestial and Aquatic environments have been altered?
66% and 75%
Increased resistance against disease, greater stability of species numbers within, and more likely to survive disaster (these are examples of what)
Beneficial effects of biodiversity in an ecosystem
What is Solidarity? (the CST theme).
We are one human family no matter our differences. We are our brother's and sister's keepers wherever someone they may be. (identifying with the marginalized).
The International Agreement with Canada and EU to regulate the transport of GMOs
What is the Cartagena Protocol?
Since 1973, what has been the percent decline in overall biodiversity?
low pesticde use, no GMOs/genetically diverse crops, low water use, and low energy use are examples of what?
Sustainable farming practices
What is the significance of biodiversity in the lives of people who are disproportionately affected by the loss of biodiversity?
Cultural significance or people who depend on the environment for their whole livelihood.