what is an engineer?
somebody that designs practical / useful things with existing technology
What is a zorse
Hybrid of a zebra and horse
What machine would you use to check the heart functioning of a patient?
EKG machine
what are these fishes examples of?
bioluminescence; An organism's ability to glow in the dark
What organization supervises food safety in the USA?
FDA (Federal Drug Administration)
Who invented the smallpox vaccine?
Dr. Edward Jenner
What animal was used to grow a human ear in the lecture?
a mouse
What does a Positron Emission Tomography ( PET) machine look at or examine?
the biochemistry inside and organ or a tissue
What factors contributed to increased life expectancy over the past 150 years? Name at least 3
better hygiene
A temperature increase of 2 C over the next years would lead to:
a. more yields
b. more environmental catastrophes
c. more cloning
d. more biodiversity
This is:
A. Professor Paul Root Wolpe
B. Dr. Vijay Ramjattan
C. Mr. Toth
D. Professor Saltzman
Professor Paul Root Wolpe
What is this?
insect robot / bugbot /Goliath beetle
Penicillin is an example of
A: vaccine
B. antibiotic
C. an artificial organ
D. a gene
What process did humans use to create the most suitable dogs for human companionship?
Selective breeding
What was cloned first successfully, lab grown meat ( chicken beef, etc) or lab grown fish?
Lab grown meat (chicken)
What did ancient Chinese healers do, according to the lecture?
Created an early for of smallpox vaccine, by blowing infected dead tissues into a patient's nose
Who or what is this? What is their significance?
First cloned sheep / complex mammal
Proves cloning complex organisms is possible
What are Botox and fish skin examples of?
Medical achievements / medical uses of bioengineering over the past few years
What evolution stage are we in now, according to Wolpe?
Intentional design, 3rd stage of evolution
Why is lab grown fish easier to create than lab grown meat?
Fish has an easier structure / muscle structure / tissue structure to recreate
What is PETA and why was it mentioned in the lecture?
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals; animal rights group, mentioned under ethical concerns about cloning for food
What animal's brain was used to create a remote-controllable cart?
Lamprey eel / eel / fish
Name an infectious disease that we do not currently have a vaccine for
Which of the following is not a mammal
A. Beefalo
B. Lamprey eel
C. Dolly (the sheep)
D. Professor Saltzman
People in EU countries accept cloning and biomedical engineering more if
it is for medical purposed and not to produce food for human consumption