The first level of organization, the smallest units of any organism
What is the chemical level
The names of the structures and components of the human body
What is Anatomy
The smallest units of all matter
What are atoms
The universal solvent, this compound makes up 60-80% of the human body
What is water
These are the building blocks for proteins.
What are amino acids
The tissue class that provides linings to organs and structures.
What is epithelium
The body, and all of its systems, in complete balance
What is homeostasis
Which of the subatomic parts is responsible for allowing bonds to form between atoms creating molecules and compounds
What are electrons
When dissolved in water these compounds release a H+ ion
What is an acid
The functional category of proteins that allows for the movement of certain substances from one part of the body to another
What are transportation proteins
This level of organization occurs when multiple cells of the same type are bundled together
What is the tissue level
The storage form of carbohydrates found in the muscles and the liver
What is glycogen
The byproduct we get from ALL types of chemical reactions including those that synthesize (put together) and decompose (take apart)
What is heat
A scale used to measure the degree to which a substance is acidic or alkaline
What is the pH scale
The functional class of proteins that includes antibodies.
What are defense proteins
The level of organization that occurs when all 4 tissue classes are put together.
What is the organ level
A fat that is used to make cell membranes which contains a phosphorus head group and 2 free fatty acid tails
What is a phospholipid
After the breakdown of ATP for energy, this is what remains.
What is calcium
This is the type of bond that links two amino acids together
What is a peptide bond
Which of the 12 organ systems pairs most closely with the cardiovascular system because it is responsible for filtering blood
What is the renal (urinary) system
The synthetic form of testosterone that was made in a lab.
What are anabolic steroids
What is the energy from breaking down compounds other than ATP
The process, involving water, that allows for heat to be released from the body.
What is evaporation
The code, or 'instructions', for building a protein that can be found in the nucleus of the cell
What is the DNA