Creature Characteristics
Hand Me a Tissue
Thermal Tactics
Nutrient Nirvana
Feed Me!

This biological system, unique to animals, facilitates the transmission of electrical signals, enabling rapid communication within the organism.

What is the nervous system conduction?


Found in multicellular animals, this type of tissue forms protective layers and linings, serving functions such as absorption and secretion.

What are epithelial tissues?


I am an organisms that allow my internal environment to fluctuate with external changes.

What is a conformer?


These organic compounds, essential for building proteins and vital for various biological functions, are commonly referred to as the "building blocks" of life.

What are amino acids?


In this feeding strategy, organisms directly absorb nutrients from their environment, utilizing specialized structures to extract organic material from their surroundings.

What is substrate feeding?


Among the traits shared by all animals, this characteristic involves the existence of multiple cells working together and the ability to reproduce through sexual means.

What are multicellularity and sexual reproduction?


This type of tissue, present in multicellular animals, provides structural support, connects and cushions organs, and stores energy in the form of fat.

What is connective tissue?


This process, vital for maintaining body temperature in animals, involves the transfer of heat between an organism and its environment through direct contact.

What is conduction?


The primary distinction between vitamins and minerals lies in their chemical composition, as vitamins are classified as _______, while minerals are categorized as these _________.

What are organic and inorganic molecules


I have a shorter large intestine.

What are carnivores?


This form of evolution explains the similar characteristics of penguins, seals, and tunas.

What is convergent evolution?


This specialized tissue, essential for rapid communication within an organism, transmits electrical signals and coordinates bodily functions in multicellular animals.

What is nervous tissue?


In animals, this process, similar to sweating in humans, aids in cooling the body by converting liquid to vapor, thus dissipating heat.

What is evaporation?


Pregnant women are advised to ensure an adequate intake of this nutrient, crucial for fetal development and reducing the risk of neural tube defects.

What is folic acid?


I regulate your appetite.

What are hormones?


During the Cambrian Explosion, the emergence this feature served as a response to this escalating dynamic, marking the rise of predator-prey relationships.

What are protective shells

Adipose, fibrous, and cartilage.

What is connective tissue?


In animal physiology, this process, resembling the circulation of air currents, facilitates heat transfer by moving fluids such as blood or air across surfaces, aiding in thermoregulation.

What is convection?


This condition that occurs in animals can lead to impaired protein synthesis and potential health issues.

What is an amino acid deficiency?


Cows possess a unique ability to thrive on a diet primarily composed of plants due to the presence of these symbiotic microorganisms in their digestive system, a key component of plant material.

What are cellulose-digesting symbiotic microorganisms?


This feature, common across most animal phyla, involves the separation of two tubes by tissue originating from the embryonic endoderm.

What is the formation of the digestive tract and the body cavity?


The four main tissue types.

What are epithelial, muscle, nervous and connective?


Blood vessels perform this crucial function to maximize the transfer of heat or gases between adjacent vessels, enhancing efficiency in biological processes.

What is counter current exchange?


During the digestion of fats, this process yields fatty acids and glycerol, while in protein digestion, these molecules are produced, both facilitated by water molecules breaking bonds through this chemical process.

What is hydrolysis?


This precautionary measure to prevent self-digestion of the organ tissues.

What is the secretion of proteolytic enzymes in their inactive form?
