Genetic Mutation
Dna Structure and Function
People in Science

When spider-man was bit by the spider a DNA sequence changed in his body

What is nucleotides? 


What is our genetic material that carries out all the instructions from generation to generation

What is DNA?


Percy Jackson's dad is a Full God (astugfirallah) and carries the genotype GG while his mom is human carrying the genes gg. Percy has the gene Gg making him a demi-god. What is the probability of this

What is 100%


Student A looked over at Student B’s test answers and handed it in first. Student A got full credit while Student B got half. Who is scientist Student B a parody of

Who is Rosalnd Franklin? 


The mutation of certain genes that affect the amount of melanin your body produces 

What is Albinism?


What is the process of copying email molecules

What is replication?


Percy falls in love with another demi-god also carrying the genotype Gg. What is the probability their child will be a human

What is 25%?


This scientist was first an Austrian monk that later did experiments on a garden of pea plants.

Who is Greger Mendal?


Thanos was born with a mutation called Deviant Syndrome, what features are caused because of it

What is Purple rock like skin?


DNA is made up of repeating cycle of these two molecules 

What are sugar and phosphates?


In the famous book Frankistien by Mary Shelly the Dr does not want to make the monster a monster wife because he is afraid their children will be monster too what is the probability of this

What is 100%?


What scientist found that DNA was the genetic material found in genes by observing bacterial transformation

Who is Oswald Avery?


These cells will pass mutation to the offspring, while these will not

What is reproductive and somatic cells?


What is the shape of DNA 

What is a double helix?


What is the probability that a daughter does have not have the recessive gene hemophilla or be carrier if the dad's phenotype is x Ry and the mother's is xrxr

What is 0%?


This person was known for having special, immortal, cells that were stolen from them to  help make cures for diseases until today.

Who is Henriata Lacks


One of the following is not a genetic mutation 

A. Anemia

B. Color Blindness

C. Cancer

D. Light blindness

What is Anemia?


In the show who is the father they use DNA testing to see if it is their child why

What is genetic material is passed down.


The father is positive for hemophilla and the mom's father is also positive for hemophilla but she is not. Their daughter ends up being positive for hemophilla how is this possible

What is the mother is a carrier?


Dora had a picture of a map that she discovered. Swiper stole it and got rewarded for discovering it. Dora had no idea it was stolen from her, so she didn’t get a chance to say “Swiper no swiping!”. Who is Swiper a parody of

Who is Watson and Crick?
