Sci Meth 1
Sci Meth 2
Living Things
Oldish Regents Exam Questions

This is an educated guess.

A Hypothesis

What do we call the step by step process used to solve a problem?

The Scientific Method


what is the most basic unit of life?

the cell


what are 2 ways an organism can grow?

can grow taller/bigger and can grow to repair itself. 


Which statement is an observation?

A. If I see Deer Footprints they must have been running from a predator
B. The smoking volcano is about to erupt
C.The Lab table is larger than my desk
D. Mr Bauer Loves Coffee

C The lab table is larger


What do scientists do to investigate and solve problems? 



This is the group in an experiment upon which changes are made BY THE SCIENTIST.

The Experimental Group


what is the difference between a population and a community? (give examples?)

pop = 1 kind of organism. (pride of lions)

community - all the living things in an area. (lions, elephants, antelope, grass, crocodiles, birds)


What does synthesis mean?

putting two smaller chemicals or things together to create a larger molecule or substance


A biologist reported success in breeding a tiger with a lion, producing healthy offspring. Other biologists will accept this report as fact ONLY IF

1. the biologist included a control in the experiment

2. research shows that other animals can be cross bread

3. the offspring are given a scientific name

4. other researchers can replicate the experiment

Other researchers can replicate the experiment


This is collected from an experiment.



This is a summary that explains if the data supports the hypothesis.

The Conclusion


draw a model showing the 4 levels of organization inside a complex organism

cell -> tissue -> organ -> organ system -> organisms


what are the categories we use to classify how organisms can reproduce?

asexual - 1 parents, lots of babies, identical clones

sexual - 2 parents, takes longer, fewer offspring, new genes in offspring.


In an experiment to determine the effects of exercise on pulse rate, a students checks his pulse before and after exercising for several minutes. Why did he check his pulse rate before exercising?

A. It will serve as the conclusion for the experiment.
B. It will increase his sample size
C It serves at the control for his experiment
D. He needs it to help form his hypothesis

C. it is his control


This is the group in an experiment that does NOT change.

The Control Group


This is the one thing YOU CHANGE in an experiment.

The Independent Variable.


list 3 biotic factors and 3 abiotic factors

biotic: any 3 living things
abiotic: air water rocks

what is cellular respiration?

the chemical reactions in our body that release energy from food. involves taking in oxygen using sugar, breaking chemical bonds and releasing CO2.


A student is experimenting to see if air temperature effects the rate of photosynthesis in corn plants.

A. an electronic scale can be used to measure the voume of soil used.
B. A Graduated cylinder can measure 30mL of water to give to each plant each day.
C. A Ruler and be used to calculate the mass of each plant.
D. a thermometer can be used to determine the pH of the soil

B. Graduated Cylinder


This is what you are measuring in an experiment.

The Dependent Variable


How can you make the results of an experiment more valid?

Repeat the experiment, have others repeat your experiment, increase sample size


give an example of two systems that work together

organ systems, or can do others like electric system powering your computer system


homeostasis involves feedback systems in our bodies. give an example of a feedback system helping our body maintain homeostasis

sweating when too hot etc.


A student is experimenting to see if air temperature effect's the rate of photosynthesis in corn plants.

The independent variable in the experiment is:
A. The air temperature at which the corn plants were grown
B. Amount of carbon dioxide used by the corn plants.
C. Volume of oxygen produced by the corn plants.
D. Number of corn plants produced.

A air temperature
