Independent or Dependent?
Properties of Life
More Ecology

The height of bean plants depends on the amount of water they receive. What is the independent variable? 

What is amount of water?


What is obtaining and using energy?

What is energy processing?


Give 2 examples of biotic factors and 2 examples of abiotic factors. 

Answers may vary


This biome exists between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn; has low species diversity due to low precipitation; and has plant life adapted to conserve water

What is the desert?


What does the chemical symbol Au stand for?

What is gold?


An investigation found that more bushels of potatoes were produced when the soil was fertilized more. What is the independent variable? 

What is soil fertilization?


What is change in hereditary material over time?

What is evolution? 


Define autotroph and heterotroph.

What is: Autotrophs produce their own energy; heterotrophs consumer other living things for energy. 


What is eutrophication and what does it cause? 

What is: Eutrophication is a major effect of fertilizer runoff and causes overgrowth of algae in marine ecosystems (algal blooms)?


This Baltimore Oriole set a career team record with 431 home runs.

Who is Cal Ripken Jr.?


In a study about headaches, doctors gave patients Alieve, Tylenol, Advil, and Excedrin, to see which medication would relieve the headache pain the fastest. The doctors timed how long it took the medication to work. What is the dependent variable? 

What is how long it took the medication to work?


What is a change that allows an organism to be better suited to its environment?

What is adaptation?


Name the 6 types of consumers.

What are: herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, decomposers, detritivores, scavengers?


Name 2 ways that carbon is released into the atmosphere. 

What are: respiration, human activity, volcanic activity?


What is the national dish of England?

What is chicken tikka masala?


To test the safety of a car, crash tests will test different types of cars in collision situations. They want to determine in which car the crash test dummy receives the least amount of damage. What is the DV?

What is amount of damage to the dummy?


Define homeostasis. 

What is the ability of a living thing to maintain a stable internal environment? 


What does the 10% rule state? 

During the transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next, only about 10% of energy is stored. The remaining energy is lost during the transfer, often as heat.


This biome can be found along the Mediterranean Sea; relies on fire as part of the ecosystem; and has many shrubs

What is the chaparral?


What continent do acai berries grow on?

What is South America?

A scientist wanted to determine the color flower that bees are most attracted to. She placed different colors of the same type of flower near each other and counted the number of bees that visited each flower color. What is the IV?

What is flower color?


Name the 8 properties of life. 

What are: Order, Response to stimuli, reproduction, adaptation, growth & development, homeostasis, energy processing, and evolution? 


What is the difference between a food chain and a food web? 

What is: A food chain is A series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten; a food web is A network showing feeding interactions?


Define ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification. 

What are: 

  1. Ammonification: Bacteria & fungi convert nitrogenous wastes into ammonium (NH4+) 

  2. Nitrification: Bacteria convert NH4+ to nitrites (NO2-) 

    3. Denitrification: Bacteria convert NO2- to      nitrogen gas, allowing it to re-enter the atmosphere 


Which two states in the U.S. share the most borders with other states?

What are Tennessee and Missouri?
