Scientific Tools & Procedures
Benefit to Cost & Quality of Life
Genetic Cross
Re-evaluating or Extending Sci Finding
Analyze components of scientific investigation
Students did an experiment to determine if a substance contained glucose. To determine if glucose was present, they added 5ml of Benedict's solution to a test tube of corn syrup and then heated the mixture. A change to a brick red color was a positive indicator for glucose. This piece of equipment provides the most precise measurment of the volume of Benedict's solution? A. test tube B. graduated cylinder C. beaker D. Erlenmyer Flask
B. graduated cylinder
Bats use sound waves for nagivation during flight and to find prey. The sound waves emitted by bats bounce off objects, enabling them to sense the location and distance of an object. Sounds waves are also used by humans in sonar devices for finding depths of oceans and ships at sea. Scientists have developed an artificial plastic that bends sound waves so they do not bounce back to a sonar device. Currently this material is being considered for military ships. What is another benefit this material could provide? A. Used in buildings to reduce energy loss B. Used in food packaging to prevent spoiling C. Used in buildings to reduce internal noise D. Used in sports equipment to prevent injury
C. Used in buildings to reduce internal noise
In humans, unattached earlobes are coded for by gene A. Attached earlobes are coded for by gene a. If an AA father and an Aa mother have children, what could be the possible genotype(s) of the children? A. AA only B. Aa only C. AA or Aa D. AA or aa
C. AA or Aa
Biologists Schleiden and Schwann developed cell theory which states that all organisms are made of cells and that the cell is the fundamental unit of life. Which is an example of research that extended Schleiden and Schwann's findings? A. Virchow determined that all cells come from preexisting cells. B. Needham concluded that organisms developed in broth that had been boiled. C. Hooke determined that cork from oak trees was made of "boxes" that he called cells. D. Leuwenhoek viewed bacteria and protists through a microscope and referred to the single cells as "animalcules."
A. Virchow determined that all cells come from preexisting cells.
Students are comparing plant growth with and without fertilizer. All plants will be grown at the same temperature with the same amount of sunlight and water. The growth of each plant will be measured every five days. What component of this experiment would be classified as a dependent variable? A. the growth of the plants B. if the plants received fertilizer C. the amount of water given to the plants D. the amount of sunlight plants receive.
A. the growth of the plants
Students are investigating how nutrients affect the rate of plant growth. Before beginning the the investigation, the students determine how they will change the independent variable and measure the plant growth. Which variable should be different in each experiment group? A. type of plant B. amount of water C. Amount of fertilizer D. quantity of sunlight
C. Amount of fertilizer
A new food technology may extend the shelf life of food. Tests show that a combination of boiling water and microwaves preserves food longer than traditional canning in boiling water alone. Applying microwaves will be an additional step in processing food with the new technology. In what way will this new technology affect the cost and benefit of food production? A. Cost will increase and benefit will increase B. Cost will increase and benefit will decrease C. Cost will decrease and benefit will increase D. Cost will decrease and benefit will decrease
A. Cost will increase and benefit will increase
In humans, freckles result from gene F, while a lack of freckles results from gene f. If an Ff father has a child with an ff mother, what is the probability of the child inheriting an F gene? A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%
B. 50%
A standard model of the mechanism of inheritance has linked genes and traits for decades. Based on Mendel's research, this model was expanded and refined with the discovery of chromosomes and DNA. Research continues to modify the model. Which discovery about the behavior of genes forced the most significant re-evaluation of this standard model of inheritance? A. The pattern of non-genetic methylation markers on DNA molecules modifies the amount of expression of alleles present in cells. B. Many traits show more than two forms in species because of the availabilty of more than two alleles for the trait in species gene pools. C. When an allele does not show complete dominance, heterozygous individuals express a form of the encoded trait neither entirely dominant nor entirely recessive. D. Traits which modify body structure can be acquired during the lifespan of an individual, but they cannot be passed on to offspring.
A. The pattern of non-genetic methylation markers on DNA molecules modifies the amount of expression of alleles present in cells.
When conducting a scientific investigation, what should be done after a testable hypothesis has been established? A. Research the information used to form the hypothesis B. Peform the experiments designed to test the hypothesis. C. Compare the hypothesis with the hypotheses of other scientists. D. Report the results of the observations that led to the hypothesis.
B. Perform the experiments designed to test the hypothesis.
Students are performing an experiment to study how colored light affects the rate of photosynthesis in plants. Which laboratory tool would be most useful in this experiment? A. pH meter B. oxygen sensor C. carbon sensor D. digital thermometer
B. oxygen sensor
Recent research an extremely primitive bacteria has shown that the bacteria include granules that are able to store a great deal of chemical energy. Which type of device could benefit from improvements in this biological technology? A. motors B. Batteries C. Electromagnets D. Light-emitting diodes
B. Batteries
In humans, cleft chins are coded by gene C, while non-cleft chins are coded by gene c. A male and female couple has a 25 % chance of producing a child with a non-cleft chin and a 50% chance of producing children heterozygous for the trait. What are the genotypes of the male and female? A. CC and Cc B. CC and cc C. Cc and Cc D. Cc and cc
C. Cc and Cc
In 1993, scientists identified short (approx 20 base pair) nucleotide sequences called microRNAs (miRNA) in eukaryotic cells. It was not until 2000 that scientists understood that miRNAs function by binding to complementary mRNA sequences and disrupt their expression. Which phrase best extends the understanding of a cellular process by this discovery. A. regulation of cells entering cytokinesis B. repair of mutations passed during transcription C. transport of proteins through the cell membrane D. regulation of genes by blocking protein-building instructions.
D. regulation of genes by blocking protein-building instructions.
A student observed a plant near a window growing toward the window. The student hypothesized that environmental conditions affect the growth of plants. The table shows the student's protocol for an investigation. Step 1: Observe the plant Step 2: Develop a hypothesis Step 3: Gather information about plant growth Step 4: Identify the independent, dependent, and control variables Step 5: Develop and proceed with a carefully controlled experiment. Step 6: Gather and analzye data. What should the student do for step 7? A. Develop a conclusion B. Investigate multiple variables C. Repeat the controlled investigation D. Compare the results with a published work
C. Repeat the controlled investigation
Which tool would be best to accurately observe the details of organelles in a cell? A. electron microscope B. magnifying glass C. dissecting microscope D. compound light microscope
A. electron microscope
Vitamin A deficiency can result in diseases affecting normal eyesight. Rice is a grain that is low in Vitamin A, and individuals living in countries where rice is a major component of the diet are at risk for developing vitamin A deficiency. A genetically modified form of rice called golden rice has been produced and contains the gene for the vitamin A precursor. Which experimental design would best allow scientists to determine if golden rice is effective in preventing vitamin A deficiencies? A. Give golden rice to 10 people and determine if eyesight is normal. B. Have 50 people eat golden rice and measure changes in the amount of vitamin A in their blood. C. Ask 50 people who have impaired vision to eat golden rice and determine if their vision improves. D. Let 100 people choose to eat regular rice or golden rice and determine which people have normal eyesight.
C. Ask 50 people who have impaired vision to eat golden rice and determine if their vision improves.
In pea plants, tall height results from gene T, while short height results from gene t. If a TT plant produces offspring with a tt plant, the offspring must have which genotype? A. TT B. tt C. Tt D. TTtt
C. Tt
Gregor Mendel established the foundation of genetics with his findings about dominant and recessive inheritance. Which example best represents a direct extension of Mendel' scientific research? A. Barbara McClintock discovered that genes can change locations on chromosomes B. Cohen and Boyer isolated a gene from a frog and inserted the gene into DNA of bacteria C. Reginald Punnett developed a diagram to predict all possible outcomes of genetic crosses D. Watson and Crick determined that DNA is a double-helix molecule with strands of linked nucleotides
C. Reginald Punnett developed a diagram to predict all possible outcomes of genetic crosses
A student notices that butterflies in a garden often land on flowers that have white petals. She wants to use this observation to perform a scientific investigation. What should the student do next to proceed with her investigation? A. Form a testable hypothesis B. plant additional white flowers in the garden C. gather materials needed for the investigation D. write a detailed description of the butterflies in a lab notebook
A. Form a testable hypothesis
Which piece of equipment is best for measuring the change in the mass of potato slices after placing them in different concentrations of salt water? A. beaker B. metric ruler C. graduated cylinder D. triple beam balance
D. triple beam balance
A medical company is developing a device that allows the company to monitor the blood pressure of elderly people in their homes. Which test group would provide the most accurate information about the ability of older people to use the device? A. elderly people with high blood pressure B. elderly people without high blood pressure C. people in a range of ages with high blood pressure D. people in a range of ages without high blood pressure
A. Elderly people with high blood pressure
In pea plants, smooth peas (S) are dominant to dented peas (s), and yellow seeds (Y) are dominant to green seed (y). If a pea plant homozygous recessive for both traits is crossed with a pea plant heterozygous for both traits, what is the percent probability that the offspring will have dented green seeds? A. 100% B. 50% C. 25% D. 0%
C. 25%
Rosalind Franklin used x-ray crystallography, a method of determining atomic structure in a molecule, during her research of nucleic acids. Franklin's work provided information for the discoveries made by which of the scientists? A. Hooke, who first used the term cell when looking at cork B. Pasteur, who showed that airborne microbes cause disease C. Watson and Crick, whose work described the structure of DNA D. Morgan, who determined that genes are located on chromosomes
C. Watson and Crick, whose work described the structure of DNA
Which of the following best describes a well-designed scientific experiment? A. the test subject is used repeatedly B. the data are collected at random times C. the hypothesis is based on an observation D. conclusions are based on the researcher's opinion.
C. the hypothesis is based on an observation