Ecology/Human Impact
A runner is competing in a 10 km track meet and just before completing the race, the runner is nearly out of breath and the energy needed to finish the race. Which cell structure is most affected by this lack of energy? a. nucleus b. ribosome c. mitochondrion d. plasma membran
What is mitochondria
Why would a distance runner consume carbohydrates instead of proteins before a race? a. Carbohydrates provide insulation for heat. b. Carbohydrates provide structure for tissues. c. Carbohydrates provide genetic material for muscle cells. d. Carbohydrates provide energy for endurance.
What is d. Carbohydrates provide energy for endurance.
If a strand of DNA is CTGCAT, what is the sequence of nucleotides in the complementary strand? a. GACGTA b. CTGCAT c. AGTACG d. GACGUA
What is a. GACGTA
How do scientists usually classify organisms? A. By their features B. By their habitat C. By their genes D. By their fossils
What is C. by their genes
Which of the following has contributed most to the overall warming of the earth’s atmosphere? a. the burning of fossil fuels b. the depletion of the ozone c. the occurrence of acid rain d. the melting of the polar ice caps
What is a. the burning of fossil fuels
What can be used to distinguish between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells? a. Only eukaryotic cells come from preexisting cells. b. Only prokaryotic cells are the smallest unit of living organisms. c. Only prokaryotic cells contain ribosomes. d. Only eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound organelles.
What is d. Only eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound organelles.
How do enzymes speed up biological chemical reactions? a. Enzymes increase the energy required for a reaction to occur. b. Enzymes decrease the energy required for a reaction to occur. c. Enzymes have no affect on the energy required for a reaction to occur. d. Enzymes maintain the energy needed for a reaction to occur.
What is b. Enzymes decrease the energy required for a reaction to occur.
Which of the following changes in DNA is likely to have the greatest effect on the resulting peptide? a. in a strand of DNA, one C is changed to a T b. a “G” is inserted at the beginning of a gene c. a “G” is inserted at the end of a gene d. in a strand of DNA, one T is changed to a C
What is b. a “G” is inserted at the beginning of a gene
A researcher sprays a new pesticide on thousands of insects of the same species that live in a large field. A few of the insects survive. What can be concluded by the researcher? a. The species of insects will likely become resistant to the pesticide. b. The ideal interval between the first and second applications of the pesticide should be increased. c. The pesticide has no effect on the species. d. The concentration of the pesticide was too weak.
What is a. The species of insects will likely become resistant to the pesticide.
Classify the relationship between flowering plants and bees, where the plant provides the bee with food and the bee spreads pollen for the plant. a. commensalism b. mutualism c. parasitism d. predation
What is b. mutualism
Nerve cells and bone cells are specialized cells that descend from the same single cell (fertilized egg). Which statement best explains how each type of cell results in a different structure with a specialized function? a. Nerve cells and bone cells begin with the same structure; however, bone cells harden over time. b. Nerve cells and bone cells receive different DNA that determines the structure and function that each will perform. c. Nerve cells and bone cells receive the same DNA; however, only specific parts of the DNA are activated in each cell. d. Nerve cells and bone cells receive the same DNA; however, bone cells receive more to make the protective outer covering.
What is c. Nerve cells and bone cells receive the same DNA; however, only specific parts of the DNA are activated in each cell.
How does the DNA code become a protein? a. DNA mRNA  tRNA amino acid  protein B. DNA  tRNA  mRNA  amino acid  protein c. DNA  mRNA  amino acid  tRNA  protein d. DNA  amino acid  mRNA  tRNA  protein
What is a. DNA mRNA  tRNA amino acid  protein
Why is the process of meiosis important to sexual reproduction? a. It provides genetic variation in offspring. b. It doubles the number of chromosomes in offspring. c. It reduces the number of alleles from parent to offspring. d. It produces a hybrid of all genetic traits in offspring.
What is a. It provides genetic variation in offspring.
The nostrils on a dolphin are similar to those of a horse because they likely evolved from the same common ancestors. This type of evidence can be classified as.. a. Analogous Structures b. Homologous Structures c. Convergent Evolution d. Vestigial Structures
What is b. Homologous structures
To birds, the Monarch butterfly looks like the Viceroy butterfly. The Monarch butterfly is distasteful to birds; however, the Viceroy butterfly is not. Once a bird tastes a Mondarch butterfly, it will not attempt to eat a Viceroy butterfly. How is this adaptation an advantage to the Viceroy butterfly? a. This adaptation aids in the survival of the Viceroy butterfly. b. This adaptation attracts other Viceroy butterflies for mating. c. This adaptation helps the Viceroy butterfly find food. d. This adaptation aids in the growth of the Viceroy butterfly
What is a. This adaptation aids in the survival of the Viceroy butterfly.
A single-celled organism is placed in fresh water. The contractile vacuole pumps excess water out of the cell. How does this action help the organism to survive? a. It helps the organism maintain a stable internal environment. b. It helps the organism communicate with other cells. c. It helps the organism reproduce. d. It helps the organism convert energy
What is a. It helps the organism maintain a stable internal environment.
How does the process of photosynthesis in plants provide energy for animals? a. The water and carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis are converted into glucose and ATP for animals. b. The glucose and ATP used in photosynthesis are converted into water and carbon dioxide for animals. c. The glucose and carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis are converted into proteins for animals. d. The oxygen and glucose produced through photosynthesis are converted into lipids for animals.
What is a. The water and carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis are converted into glucose and ATP for animals.
How is the process of gene therapy used to treat cystic fibrosis? a. by replacing the abnormal gene with a copy of the normal gene b. by removing a portion of the abnormal gene c. by adding a nitrogen base to the beginning of the DNA sequence d. by inducing a mutation
What is a. by replacing the abnormal gene with a copy of the normal gene
During the Industrial Revolution, there were two variations of English Peppered Moths, those with light color and those with dark color. The soot from the factories covered the trees. Data was collected to measure the percentage of each type of moth in the area. It was noted that the percentage of dark-colored moths increased over time, while the percentage of light-colored moths decreased. What is the likely explanation for this change? a. The presence of a mutation changed the color of the English Peppered Moths. b. The presence of the dark-colored variation increased the likelihood for survival of the English Peppered Moths. c. The presence of the light-colored variation increased the likelihood for survival of the English Peppered Moths. d. The presence of an acquired trait changed the color of the English Peppered Moths.
What is b. The presence of the dark-colored variation increased the likelihood for survival of the English Peppered Moths.
Darwin’s studies of finches on the Galapagos Islands suggest that the finches' differences in beak structure were most directly due to a. acquired characteristics in the parent finches b. mating behaviors of the different finch species c. the size of the island where the finches live d. adaptations of the finches to different environments
What is d. adaptations of the finches to different environments
Cell cycle checkpoints are proteins that monitor and regulate the progress of the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells. Which statement best describes what would most likely happen if a cell is permitted to progress to mitosis without the preparation stage of interphase? a. The new cells would have all of the organelles except the nucleus. b. The new cells would have all of the organelles except the mitochondria. c. The number of chromosomes in the daughter cells would be the same as the number of chromosomes in the parent cell. d. The number of chromosomes in the daughter cells would be different from the number of chromosomes in the parent cell.
What is d. The number of chromosomes in the daughter cells would be different from the number of chromosomes in the parent cell.
The concentration of a certain molecule is greater inside the cell than outside the cell. If the cell needs more of that molecule, what is the best process to move more of this molecule inside the cell? a. Active transport b. Passive transport c. Diffusion d. Osmosis
What is a. Active transport
A parent with Type A blood and a parent with Type O blood have a child. Which of the following is a possible genotype of their offspring? a. IAIA b. IAIB c. IBi d. ii
What is D. ii
Species A and B share similarities in DNA sequences. What would this suggest about their evolutionary relationship? a. Species A developed before species B. b. Species A and B share a recent common ancestor. c. Species A and B are unrelated. d. Species B developed before Species A.
What is b. Species A and B share a recent common ancestor.
During extreme conditions like drought or high heat, frogs will dig a hole in the soil and bury themselves. Sometimes frogs will shed a layer of skin, wrap it around themselves for more protection, and wait for rain. What is this adaptation called? a. Hibernation b. Migration c. Habituation d. Estivation
What is d. Estivation