Organization and Development of Living Organisms
Diversity and Evolution of Living Organisms
Heredity and Reproduction
Matter and Energy Transformations

Due to the discoveries made by scientists such as Hook, Leeuwanhock, Schwann, Schleiden, and Virchow, which states the following: living things are composed of one or more cells, the cell is the basic unit of life, cells arise from existing cells.

What is Cell Theory


This kingdom of organisms is usually multi-celled, heterotrophic, and has cell walls made of chitin, divided by openings called septa.

What is Fungi?


This states that DNA contains instructions for making a protein, which are copied by RNA. RNA then uses the instructions to make a protein. In short: DNA → RNA → Protein

What is the Central Dogma?


_ species reproduce rapidly in a new habitat due to the lack of parasites and predators that would naturally control their population growth.

What is Invasive?


Water is known as the universal __ because it dissolves so many different substances.

What is solvent


These organelles are much larger in plant cells than in animal cells, because they tend to hold more water to stay upright.

What is Vacuole(s)?


Scientists trying to determine evolutionary relationships among organisms sometimes search for clues by examining how each organism develops from a fertilized egg cell. This name is given to the scientific study of how organisms develop from a single cell into independent living creatures.

What is embryology?


Events that damage the cell's regulatory apparatus can cause the uncontrolled division of cells called

What is cancer?


This is the amount of available energy in an energy pyramid as it moves up through the different levels?

What is 10 percent?


In cells, __________ are proteins that are needed to lower the amount of energy required to start chemical reactions.

What is enzymes?


Your science teacher has asked the class to make a cell city model. This organelle would be best represented by a power company. 

What is mitochondria?


This term describes body structures in different organisms that have different outward appearances but develop from the same embryonic tissues.

What is homologous?


Consider the possible genotypes of the offspring of two heterozygous brown goats. The ratio of brown to white offspring in this case would be

What is 3:1?


An isolated population of great purple hairstreaks, a species of butterfly, lives in a damp meadow. The larvae feed only on a species of mountain clover plant that lives in the meadow. The adult does not fly far from the clover plants as well. One rainy summer, a fungus causes most of the clover plants to die.

As a result of the absence of clover, the hairstreak population in this location will MOST LIKELY 

What is decrease?


Photosynthesis and cellular respiration have a unique relationship in that the products of one process are the reactants of the other. For example the products of photosynthesis are reactants of cellular respiration. These are two molecules that are produced in photosynthesis and then used in cellular respiration.

What is Oxygen and Glucose?


Cells require glucose as a source of energy to carry out life processes. Large molecules like glucose cross the cell's plasma membrane, through protein channels, from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration by

What is facilitated diffusion?


The Grand Canyon was carved out by the Colorado River. This caused the separation of members of a squirrel species. Abert’s Squirrel lives on the southern side of the canyon and in other parts of the United States. A subspecies, the Kaibab Squirrel, is found around the northern rim of the canyon and nowhere else in the country. The two squirrels differ in body and tail coloration. Their ears are also different. These variations are the result of

What is geographic isolation?


A man with type A blood marries a woman with type B. Their offspring all have type AB blood. The pattern of inheritance is called

What is codominance?


This is the most diverse of all the marine ecosystems. This marine ecosystem not only includes great biodiversity but at least one quarter of all ocean species depend on it for food and shelter. What is this marine ecosystem?

What is coral reef?


The following describes this macromolecule: cell membranes; large biomolecule; many high energy bonds; nonpolar covalent bonds; includes waxes and steroids; consists mainly of carbon and hydrogen; more energy per gram than other biomolecules

What is lipids?


These features describe this type of cell.

Has a cell wall
May have flagella
Single chromosome
Ribosomes for protein synthesis

What is Bacteria


In any field of sunflowers, the height of the plants vary. Birds first eat the seeds from the tallest plants. If this eating pattern continues season after season, what would we expect to happen to sunflowers over time?

What is get shorter?


According to Mendel's _______________, one copy of a gene is passed randomly from each parent to their offspring. This is why gametes have half the usual number of chromosomes.

The ______________ states that different genes are not connected. In other words, the gene for eye color is not influenced by, nor does it influence, the gene for hair color. This allows gametes to form with a random mixture of traits.

The cell division that creates gametes according to these principles is known as __________.

What is Law of Segregation; Law of Independent Assortment; meiosis


These two things can cause a population decrease in size.

What is (any of the two following) 

increased deathrate

decreased birthrate  



The food we eat provides the energy our bodies need. We eat carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. As food is broken down, the compounds are rearranged through chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and provide energy. Each biomolecule is made of monomers or building blocks. These are the correct pairs the macromolecule and its monomer.

What is lipid-fatty acid; protein-amino acid; carbohydrate-monosaccharide
