This muscular organ pumps blood throughout the body
What is the heart?
This "love hormone" is released during hugging, childbirth, and bonding
What is oxytocin?
This type of blood vessel carries oxygen-rich blood away from the heart.
What is an artery?
This bird species is famous for its intricate dances and nest-building to attract mates.
What is the bowerbird?
High levels of this type of cholesterol can increase heart disease risk.
What is LDL (low-density lipoprotein)?
The heart has this many chambers
What is four?
Often associated with pleasure and reward, this neurotransmitter spikes when you see someone you love.
What is dopamine?
The universal donor blood type.
What is O negative?
The male of this insect species dies after mating, making it a one-time event.
What is the praying mantis?
This condition, also called hypertension, refers to consistently high blood pressure.
What is hypertension?
This valve prevents backflow between the left atrium and left ventricle.
What is the mitral (bicuspid) valve?
This hormone is responsible for the “butterflies” feeling of excitement and attraction.
What is adrenaline (epinephrine)?
This protein in red blood cells binds oxygen for transport.
What is hemoglobin?
Male seahorses perform this unique role in reproduction.
What is carrying and birthing the young?
A myocardial infarction is the medical term for this event.
The largest artery in the body, responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood from the heart.
What is the aorta?
Long-term love and attachment are linked to this hormone, which is also involved in stress.
What is vasopressin?
The heart pumps about this many liters of blood per minute.
What is 5-6 liters?
To attract a mate, male fireflies do this in specific patterns.
What is flashing their bioluminescent light?
This is the leading cause of death worldwide, often linked to poor heart health.
What is cardiovascular disease?
This part of the heart generates electrical impulses, acting as the natural pacemaker.
What is the sinoatrial (SA) node?
The decrease of this neurotransmitter during heartbreak can cause sadness and mood swings.
What is serotonin?
This blood component helps in clotting to prevent excessive bleeding.
What are platelets?
This species of penguin presents a pebble as a gift when choosing a mate.
What is the Adélie penguin?
This heart surgery is performed to restore blood flow when arteries are blocked.
What is a coronary bypass?