The study of all living things
A valid testable explanation, supported by data, for a situation
What is a Hypothesis?
Anything that has/once had all of the characteristics of life
What is Organism
Scientific notation puts very small or very big numbers into a decimal and uses this to express the number of zeros.
What are Powers of 10?
Science is the body of knowledge based on the study of this.
The basic unit of mass in SI
Recognizing patterns in data, that can support the hypothesis or create additional questions and further experimentation.
What is Analyzing Data?
Inherited changes that occur over time to help a species survive
What is Adapt/Evolve?
This system established unit standards in 1960
What is SI, or the International System of Units?
Explanation of a natural phenomenon supported by observations and experiments over time.
A controlled experiment allows a scientist to isolate and test what?
What is a Single Variable?
These are reported to scientific journals after being peer reviewed, the final inferences of an experiment
What is Conclusions?
Maintaining balance within an organism
What is homeostasis?
what are the 4 base units in SI
Length = Meter
Mass = Gram
Volume = Liter
Time = Second
What is already known with evidence gathered from numerous experiments and observations
Counted or Measured Data
What is Quantitative?
To test an effect, Control group gets Option A, while Experimental group gets Option B in an experiment.
What is an Independent (manipulated) variable?
all the structures work together to create an organism ( ex: atom to cells to organs)
What is Organization?
Convert 249 Milligrams to Dekagrams
What is .0249?
Most scientific fields are guided by constant re-evaluation of what is known. This search for new knowledge is the driving force that moves science forward
Expanding Scientific Knowledge
The organized series of events in scientific inquiry
What is the Scientific Method?
The metric system is MOST important during which part of this methodology?
What is Collecting Data?
4 characteristics of living things
What are: Made of Cells, Displays Organization, Growth & Develop, Requires Energy, Reproduce, Homeostasis, Response to Stimuli, Adapt/Evolve?
Convert 25.54 kL to mL
Name 4 of the 8 Characteristics of Science