All life on earth is said to have evolved from _______.
one common ancestor a simple single-cellular organism.
evolution is a process by which the gene pool of a(n) _______________ changes over time
What is an species
Name the theory that explains how organisms change because of adaptations that help them survive
What is natural selection
The changes in a population over time
What is abiogenesis?
Living matter arising from non-living matter
These are the preserved remains of ancient organisms found in geologic rock records.
What are fossils
Darwin based his theory on two ideas:
Variations- Differences among individuals of a species
Natural Selection- Nature selects any trait that increases an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce
What is the different between camouflage and mimicry? What makes them similar?
Camouflage is when an organism blends in with its surroundings, while mimicry is when an organism looks like another organism. Both techniques help organisms survive by making them less visible to predators.
What theory states the following?
The first organisms were heterotrophic and anaerobic bacteria that released CO2
THEN autotrophs evolved that used CO2
FINALLY aerobic heterotrophs evolved that used O2 released from the autotrophs
Heterotroph Hypothesis
If this DNA change creates a new trait in an offspring that is advantageous for survival, that offspring will have a much greater likelihood of
reproducing and passing its genes on to future generations
This is the success of passing genes to the next generation.
Who discovered the endosymbiotic theory?
Lynn Margulis
What is the endosymbiotic theory state?
The endosymbiotic theory explains how organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells originated from prokaryotic cells. The theory suggests that these prokaryotes were once free-living cells that were engulfed by a larger cell and became organelles through a symbiotic relationship.
In order for a species to change over time, changes must occur in that species’ _______to create new traits in offspring.
DNA, genes
They found that organic molecules could be spontaneously produced under reducing conditions thought to resemble those of early Earth.
Genetic drift is _________ in allele frequency.
Random change
Conditions on primitive Earth that lead to the abiogenesis theory
Gases: Water vapor, nitrogen, hydrogen, and ammonia (NH3)
Volcanic activity and Barely an Atmosphere
Energy: Lightning generated from heat
Organic compounds began to form and became more complex
These are similar features in different species that have different structures and evolutionary origins, but serve the same function.
A Directional, B Disruptive, and C Stabilizing Graph
These three things are evolved from hominids to present day humans
What are Skull/Brain/Jaw size increased, Bipedalism/Spine & Feet, and Language/Culture/Tool Use
What are the two types of genetic drift and what makes them different from one another...explain.
Bottleneck is a dramatic reduction in a population's size due to a natural disaster/human involvement. This can lead to a loss of genetic diversity and the evolution of new species. Founders effect occurs when a small group of individuals establishes a new population. The new population has less genetic diversity than the original population.