Joint Motion/FMP
Linear Kinematics/PM
Angular Kinematics/Force
Torque/Tissue Mech and injury
Eccentric/Concentric and Gait/Running

1.What motion occurs at the Gleno-Humeral joint in the frontal plane?

2. Which of the following motions DOES NOT occur around a medial lateral axis of rotation?

3. A muscle with the line of pull anterior to the medial lateral axis of rotation of the hip joint will perform…

  1. ABduction, ADDuction

  2. Wrist Radial Deviation

   3. Hint: It’s not EXTENSION and FLEXION


1. What 2 forces affect projectile motion? 

2. Which of the following is incorrect? (Assume a constant take off velocity) 

1. Gravity and Air Resistance

2. At a takeoff angle of 50 and 35 degrees the distance is similar but the maximal height to the parabola is greater at 50 degrees


6. What is the running velocity of a cross country runner with a stride rate of 0.613 seconds per stride if she had a stride length of 1.68 meters? 

A: 2.34 m/s


Torque Question 1

Calculate the torque for the bicycle crank below

A: 140 Nm


1. Identify the type of contraction as the person moves from position 1 to 2 of the left knee (one in the strap)

2. Identify the type of muscle contraction as the person moves from position 1 to 2

1. Isometric Contraction

2. Eccentric Contraction


4. Which of the following joints only allow 1 degree of freedom?

5. The combined action of dorsiflexion, eversion, and abduction is described as pronation of the ankle and subtalar joint. True or False? 

6. Which of the following joint movements was NOT needed for this Yoga pose below?    

4. Hinge joint




3. Which one of the following statements regarding Projectile Motion is False? 

3. Two forces that influence a projectile are Gravity and Buoyancy. 


5. The three kinematic variables include:

a) mass, displacement, and acceleration

b) displacement, velocity, and acceleration

c) displacement, momentum, and time

5. Displacement, velocity, and acceleration


Question 6

During a squat the graviational force creates a flexor torque at the knee joint. True or false? 

A: True


Identify the type of muscle contraction as the person moves from position 1 to 2 (Lat pulldown with the red band) 

A. Concentric Contraction


1. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental movement pattern discussed in lecture?

2. Which analysis type DOES NOT use numbers?

3. What are factors that need to be considered with recording a movement?



3. A&B&C (Is one viewing angle sufficient, clothing, background, location of video) 


4. A free throw in basketball is an example of....

a) positive projection height

b) optimal projection height

c) negative projection height

d) bad projection height

4. Optimal projection height


2. Which one of the following statements regarding the 100m sprint is incorrect? 

2. Her average velocity for the final 15 meters is calculated by (15 meters/1.2-6.5 seconds)


Describe difference between the Elastic and Plastic Regions of the load deformation curve

Elastic: Force is applied to a muscle or tendon, it stretches, but goes back to its original shape

Plastic: Permanent deformation in the tissue


For the hip joint between points 2 and 4 name the joint motion, controlling or opposing gravity, type of contraction, and muscles involved?

JM: Flexion

Opposing gravity

Concentric Contraction

Muscles involved: Illiopsoas


4. Explain the lower limbs using the Fundamental Movement Patterns #1-5. What is the motion of the right GH joint from 6-8? What is the motion of the right elbow joint from 6-8? 

5. Where does the right knee extend? Where does the right hip flex? 

6. Does the exercise below train the “pull” Fundamental Movement pattern?

4. SQUAT, FLEXION, EXTENSION (Volleyball player spiking the ball)

5. 4-5, 3-5 (Football player performing a kick)

6. YES     


5. Which one of the statements regarding projectile motion is false? 

5. An increase in projection height will increase the distance traveled of the projectile. 


Which one of the following statements regarding the Broad Street Run (in Philadelphia) Results is incorrect. (Hint: Application Question 2 on Linear Kinematics Prep Guide)

A: Answers may vary


Give an example of an exercise (not a bicep curl) and explain what would be it's internal force, IMA, external force, and EMA. 

Answers will vary 


For Isaac and Joshua's ankle joints points 2-4 name the joint motion, controlling or opposing gravity, type of contraction, and muscles involved?

Joint Motion: Plantarflexion

Opposing gravity

Concentric Contraction

Muscle involved: Gastrocnemius


When Fatima is getting ready to perform a basketball free throw, describe the preparation, execution, and follow through steps :) 

Preparation (She positions herself to throw the basketball)

Execution (actually going through the motions of releasing the basketball to go into the basket) 

Follow Through (Following the release of the basketball)


If Gamaliel, Abraham, and Sergio are racing their cars on the NASCAR track describe a statement regarding their race car that would be incorrect (Hint Question 7 on Linear Kinematics Prep Guide)

Answer: Answers will vary


If Natasha is running in a race and her time is 38 strides and her time is 29.43 sec find out the Stride Rate. 

A: Divide 38 by 29.43 sec= 1.29 


Erica and Jessica decided to go out to The Halloween Haunt and as they were running out Jessica tripped over a clown and sprained her ankle and Erica had to help her. What type of injury happened to Jessica's ankle? 

Repetitive Strain Injury


Describe the 5 factors for both Concentric and Eccentric Contractions (Hint: muscle lengthens or shortens, etc)

Concentric: Muscle shortens

Opposing gravity

Internal Torque overcomes the external torque

SAME muscle torque and joint direction

Force generated by the muscle is always LESS than the muscles maximum force
