What endangered animal can be found in the rainforest?
The rainforests are home to a diversity of animals, including the endangered harpy eagle, a large predatory bird.
Where is the tundra biome found?
The tundra biome is found in the Arctic and on the top of mountains.
What is the weather like in deserts?
The weather in deserts is hot and dry.
When are desert animals active?
Many desert animals are active at night.
What human activity is contributing to the possible extinction of harpy eagles?
Deforestation and other human activities are making their populations decline.
Where can the taiga be found?
The taiga is found across Siberia, Scandinavia, and North America (Alaska and Canada).
What are the tundra lands covered with for most of the year?
Where can deserts be found?
Deserts can be found on every continent.
What is a synonym for "rain"?
Why is the tundra biome changing a lot?
The tundra biome is changing a lot because of global warming and climate change.
What type of tree is predominant in the taiga?
Pine trees.
What do mountain tundra animals eat?
Mountain tundra animals eat plants and insects.
What animals live in the desert?
Camels, foxes, coyotes, rabbits and other animals.
Where is the red fox moving to because of global warming?
The red fox is moving north.
What is happening to the frozen ground in the tundra as a consequence of global warming?
With global warming, the frozen ground is melting in the southern Arctic.
What is the weather like in temperate forests?
The temperatures of temperate forests alternate during the year because of the four seasons. Precipitation (rain) is abundant.
What animals live in the Arctic tundra?
Arctic foxes, polar bears, grey wolves, and other animals.
What reptiles can be found in deserts?
Snakes and lizards.
What is global warming doing to deserts?
Global warming is making deserts hotter.
When does the sun shine for almost 24 hours a day?
The sun shines for almost 24 hours a day in the summer season, which lasts only 50 to 60 days.
What are the three types of forest?
Rainforest, Temperate forest and taiga.
What do animals in the tundra do to save energy during the long winter months?
Animals in the tundra save energy by hibernating during the long winter months.
Where do birds live in deserts?
Most desert birds live near water, such as by rivers.
What plants can be found in the tundra biome?
Wildflowers, shrubs and spruce.
(If you answered wildflowers only, it's correct)
Why are many desert animals active at night?
Many desert animals are active at night because the weather is cooler (not so hot).