Whats the weather like here?
hot and moist and rains all year long
What does deciduous mean?
loses its leaves once a year
What is the definition of a desert biome?
A dry area that receives less than 10 inches of precipitation a year
List two facts about coniferous trees
They produce cones instead of flowers and needle like leaves.
They do not lose their leaves ever- evergreens
Name the two kinds of grasslands
temperate and savanna
How do animals survive the cold?
hibernation, thick fur, small ears, etc
Whats the soil like?
Deciduous forest biomes have four distinct seasons, please name them
fall, spring, summer and winter
cactus, shrubs, grasses
What is the temperature in the summer like in a coniferous forest?
mild- not so hot
Name an animal found in savanna grasslands
giraffe, zebra, water buffalo, dikdik, meerkat, lion, cheetah, hyena, vulture, elephant , etc
What is the temperature like here?
Mostly cold
Are there a lot of plants?
name 2 animals that live in the deciduous forest
coyotes, armadillos, hawks, deer, mice, horses, bears, etc
What is the largest desert?
Name 3 animals that live in this biome
bear, rabbit, deer, racoon, mouse, owl, eagle, etc
What kind of plants grow here?
short shrubs, tall grasses, sparse trees, etc
Where can you find a Tundra biome?
the tops of mountains, canada, arctic
Where can you find this biome?
Central America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia
Where can you find a deciduous forest?
North America, Europe and Asia
Name a way animals keep cool in the desert
large ears, nocturnal, walking fast, etc
Does it snow in this biome?
What is the rainfall like here?
low rainfall, enough to support grasses and a few trees
name 2 animals of the tundra
wolves, bears, foxes, owls
Name 2 animals
big cats and chimps and monkeys and frogs
Is the soil here good?
What is the coldest desert?
Where can you find this biome?
USA, Europe, Asia, Canada
Where can you find this biome?
Everywhere except Anarctica
Are there trees here?