Define the word "biomimicry"
The design and production of materials, structures, and systems that are modeled after natural solutions
They huddle tightly together to minimize exposed surface area and rotate through the huddle to minimize any one penguin's exposure to the outside of the group
Name the animal whose shell is made of the same material as chalk, but is 3000x stronger.
How do birds communicate to create safe travel?
Birds primarily vocalize to signal danger or give directions to each other.
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How do birds show collaboration in nature?
Flying in a V pattern allows them to not have any collisions
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Define the word adaptation
How have fennec foxes adapted to moderate their body heat in desert climates?
Their large, vascular ears maximize the surface area where blood vessels are exposed to outside air to cool the blood that circulates in their body.
What is the strongest structure observed in nature, which is used frequently in engineering
How do bees communicate with each other?
Bees perform a "waggle dance" to signal each other where they can find food for the hive
How do wolves show teamwork in natures?
They hunt in packs and show clear communication in specific roles as they hunt.
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Define the word sustainability
The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level
How have deep sea fish like angler fish adapted to the minimal light exposure in their environment?
They have parts of their bodies where bacteria and chemicals create bioluminescent reactions so they create their own light
What is the natural material that is known to be stronger than steel of the same size?
Spider silk
How do ants know where to find food?
Ants create trails by leaving pheromones for each other to follow to food to bring back to the anthill.
How do ants show teamwork in nature?
They send scouts out to find food and communicate to the rest of the anthill where it is with pheromones.
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Define the word efficiency
Putting expended energy to work in a useful way so its not wasted
Name one biomimetic solution we learned about for human beings surviving polar climates
Penguin - inspired vehicles for exploration
Insulation based clothing inspired by the layers of penguin's feathers
Limiting exposed surface area, as inspired by penguin huddles
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What is the natural material that inspires self cleaning technology?
Lotus leaf
Name two examples of how animal travel and communication can enhance efficiency.
Birds' flight patterns are very efficient for energy use
Ants leave pheromones to follow to create the straightest path to food
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How do bees show teamwork in nature?
Bees have very clearly set roles in their hive. Some bees go to scout for food and communicate to others where it can be found.
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Define the word collaborative
Produced or conducted by 2 or more parties working together
Name one example of a biomimetic solution for living in desert climates
Camel pack inspired water carriers
Surface area - based ways of cooling people's blood volume before it circulates throughout the human body
Water storage solutions inspired by camels or cacti
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This natural material's response to humidity inspires human inventions
Pinecone scales
Name two examples of travel or other systems that are biomimetic solutions inspired by animal travel and/or communication
Lots of possible answers!
How do fish show teamwork in nature?
Clownfish work together to move things.
Clownfish and sea anemones protect and serve each other in cooperative relationships.
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