Force Summation
Projectile Motion
Newton's Laws
Skill learning
Joints and Muscles

Define force summation.

Sum of all forces generated by different body parts.


What is projectile motion?

The motion (trajectory) the object moves through the air.


What is meant by state of inertia?

An object at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line.


Name the three stages of learning.

Cognitive, associative and autonomous.


During the prep phase of the serve, what movement occurs at the shoulder joint?



what is meant by sequencing of body segments?

Using as many body segments as possible in the correct order to maximise the forces generated


What are the three releases of projectile motion?

Speed, angle and height of release.


Name and explain Newton's first law.

Law of Inertia: If an object is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force. 


Describe an athlete during the associative phase of learning. 

More consistent, fewer mistakes and can concentrate for longer. Begin to use internal feedback to improve. 


What movements occur at a hinge joint?

Flexion, extension 


Describe what happens if we do not have full range f motion and aren't optimally stretched out during force summation.

If we are not stretched out we won't generate elastic potential energy minimising force when the muscles contract. Momentum generated earlier by ur other muscles will not be transferred resulting in less force.


Sports where distance is important the angle of release should be...



Name Newton's second law and explain factors affecting acceleration.

Law of acceleration: A larger net force acting on an object causes a larger acceleration. Objects with larger mass require more force to accelerate. Both the net force acting on an object and the object's mass determine how the object will accelerate.


Describe massed practice.

Performing the skill over and over until it is learned.


What movements occur at a ball and socket joint?

Flexion, extension, rotation, adduction and abduction.


Describe how transfer of momentum is applied during force summation.

Generating large amounts of momentum in large muscle groups which can be passed onto smaller body parts which can accelerate and move faster at the end of the sequence. 


What happens to the angle of release when height of release decreases and increases?

Height increases= decrease 

Height decreases= increase 


In Newton's third law, what is meant by every force has an equal but opposite reaction?

Two forces are exerted with the same magnitude/strength but in opposite directions.


Describe whole learning.

When the skill is learned in its entirety. E.g. the whole volleyball serve. 


What is the antagonist muscle/s during shoulder flexion?

Latissimus Dorsi, trapezius, post delt.


Explain how all three principles can be applied to a football kick. 

The player bends the kicking leg creating stretch to generate large force when it contracts. The forces generated start at the hip/trunk, thigh, lower leg, foot, ball. By drawing the leg back they get full range of motion of the foot on contact. 


Describe what the optimal angle of release is for a tall basketball player shooting a free throw. Explain.

The angle of release needs to be lower because the height of release is higher. 


Give an example of a skill being performed using all three laws.

Multiple answers


What is part learning and distributed practice?

Breaking the skill into different elements and learning associated parts.

Mixing performance and rest periods until the skill is learned.


Describe the movements of the knee, shoulder and elbow during the execution phase of the serve.

Knee= extension, shoulder= flexion, elbow= extension.
