Emotions as Response Patterns
Fear Research w Humans/TBI
Communication of emotions
Sexual Development
What parts of the amygdala are involved in emotional response pattern for fear? 

Lateral Nucleus; Basal Nucleus; Central Nucleus 


When does the prefrontal cortex mature in relation to the amygdala? 

Matures much later

(during late childhood and early adulthood)


______ hemisphere plays more significant role for expressing emotions 



What begins the onset of puberty 

Onset of puberty beings when cells in hypothalamus release GnRH 


Where does information from the lateral nucleus go to? 

Ventromedial prefrontal cortex; ventral striatum, dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus; central nucleus; basal nucleus 


How would you assess for severe TBI?

WAIS (coding/symbol search)

Rey Osterrieth Complex figure test (working memory)

Long-term memory - ask them something from a week ago


Whats the difference between volitional facial paresis and emotional facial paresis? 

volitional facial paresis - can express emotional smiles but can not form a smile when asked

emotional facial paresis - can form a smile when instructed but can not express emotional smiles 


Where does Oxytocin go during sexual maturation (think of the picture on slide 22) 

uterine muscles; Mammary glands


Activity of serotonergic synapses _______ aggression 



What are the long-term implications for "Mild" TBI? 

increased number and severity of injuries 


What is the James-Lange Theory of Emotion?

slide 17 review slides for graphical representation (week 5)

- event that produces emotional reaction -> brain (feedback produces feelings of emotion)


Where does ADH go during sexual maturation (think slide 22) 

Kidney tubules


inputs from dorsomedial thalamus, temporal cortex, ventral tegmental area, olfactory system, amgydala (this gives info about _________)

what is happening in environment and what plans are made by rest of frontal lobes 


What's the difference between an open head injury vs. a closed head injury? 

Open head injury (penetrating head injury) - fractured skull, damage to blood vessels can impair brain blood supply, accumulation of blood can lead to pressure on the brain 

CLosed head in jury - coup and contre-coup injuries, torn axons, rupture blood vessels, CSD buildup in ventricles 

What were the findings from Capitao et al. 2019s study on aggression and ptsd?

A single, first dose of fluxotenine (vs. placebo) had an impact on neural response to anger cues (in fMRI) in adolescents w MDD 

- reduced activity in amygdala-hippocampal region and inc activity in the dorsal anterior cingular cortexFluoxetine has immediate neural effect on cortico-limbic circuitry prior to clinical changes in mood 


What are the effects of pheromones?

chemical released by one animal that affects behavior or physiological of another animal; usually smelled or tasted 

Outputs to cingulate cortex, hippocampal formation, temporal cortex, lateral hypothalamus, and amygdala, as well as other regions of PFC (___________) 

hint; what does this do?

Outputspermit it to affect variety of behaviors and physiological responses


What did Badura-Brack et al. 2018 find in their research with veterans with PTSD? 

Veterans w PTSD exhibited stronger oscillatory response in the left amygdala (relative to those without PTSD) while viewing threatening faces

No group differences when observing neutral faces

conclusions: amygdala hyper-response to threats begins quickly in PTSD, suggesting a bottom-up fear response

What did you do for self-care today? 



Peptides ______ and _____ may be involved in monogamous relationships 

Vasopressin; Oxytocin
