What's the biggest taxonomic category?
This animal is Mustela lutreola,
What's the name? Common or scientific?
Mustela lutreola is its scientific name.
His common name is the European mink (Bisoi europarra)
Bi animalia hauek ile oso ezberdina dute. Espezie berekoak dira?
These two animals have very different hair. Are they of the same species?
Yeast cell is a chitine wall. What kingdom would you place it in?
The chitine cell with a wall belongs to the FUNGI kingdom.
The body of the luminous rooster is composed of many cells, so it is a _____________________ being.
What are the two smallest taxonomic categories?
Genus and species
The scientific name varies from language to language. The common name doesn't change.
Is the phrase correct? Reason the answer.
It's wrong. It's the other way around. The common name varies from one language to another, while the scientific name is always in Latin, and does not change.
Leptinotarsa decemlineata - Leptinotarsa junctaAre they of the same species? Reason the answer.
No, because the second word of his scientific name is different.
I have a prokaryotic cell, what kingdom do I belong to?
From the only kingdom with a prokaryotic cell: MONERA
The roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) therefore feeds on a variety of plants.
Mention from major to minor all taxonomic categories.
Kingdom, filum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
In the image you have a common beech or Fagus sylvatica.
What is its genus and species?
Genus: Fagus Species: sylvatica
Suppose these two produce new descendants. Could we say they belong to the same species?
It's not enough to have offspring. We should see that these descendants are fertile.
I'm a plant. What can you say about this?
Number of cells:
Cell type:
Number of cells: multicellular
Nutrition: autotrophic
Cell type: eukariotyc
The cell that has Escherichia coli has no nucleus, so the cell is __________________.
It's a PROKARYOTIC cell.
Though two living beings belong to the same order, they may belong to different kingdoms.
Is that right? Justify your answer.
It is wrong, if they are of the same order, they are of the same kingdom, because the kingdom is a bigger category than the order.
For example, ant and bee are hymenoptera. If so, both will necessarily belong to the animal kingdom.
You have a jumping frog in your image or Rana dalmantina.
What is the species of this animal?
Its species is dalmantina.
The image is male pheasant and female pheasant. They belong to the same species, so we can say about their offspring...
+ may have offspring.
+ these descendants are fertile.
I have eukaryotic cells, I have tissues and I have heterotrophic nutrition. What kingdom am I from?
I belong to the ANIMAL KINGDOM.
The cataginet (Genetta genetta) has several groups of cells, which have a certain function. That is, his body has different_________________________.
his body has several TISSUES.
There are several orders and families in a filum.
Is the phrase correct? Reason the answer.
Yeah, that's right. Of these three categories the filum is the greatest, and therefore contains several orders and families.
The fungus in the picture is this.
The common name is Black Mushroom.
Scientific name: Boletus Aereus
Are they written correctly? Propose changes...
Comon name: black mushroom
Scientific name: Boletus aereus
In order for two beings to belong to the same species, what conditions must they meet?
They must meet two conditions:
+ To be able to reproduce one another (male and female).
+ That the offspring produced are fertile.
I have eukaryotic cells, I have cellulose cell walls, I have autotrophic nutrition and I have no tissue.
What kingdom am I from?
Doubtful are plants or protists. Since it has no tissue it is not a plant and we must classify it into the kingdom of PROTIST.
The diatoms of the Bidulphia genus feed on water, light, and mineral salts. With them they produce their own organic matter, so they have a ____________________ nutrition.