What is the term for the land, water, and air on Earth and all their organsims?
Name 3 biotic factors in the environment
Answers vary (Anything living)
How does a community and population differ?
What is the definition of a climate?
Long-term behavior of the atmosphere
There are 3 types of pollution. What are they?
When a group of individual organisms of the same species live in a particular area, this is known as ________________.
Name 3 abiotic factors in the atmosphere
Answers vary (Anything nonliving)
How does emigration and immigration differ?
Emigration results from individuals leaving a population
Immigration results from individuals entering a population
What is the definition of weather?
Temporary behavior of the atmosphere (what is going on in the atmosphere at any given time)
Why is deforestation bad? (Give 2 reasons)
Increased CO2 production
Animals are displaced
Which sphere consists of all of the water on the Earth?
True or False: Climates change very slowly, over hundreds or thousands of years.
What is one method for sampling a population?
Direct observation or
Mark and Recapture or
What is the most abundant greenhouse gas?
Carbon Dioxide
Why are invasive species bad?
They have no natural predators and will eat other things
Can disrupt food webs
What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
What is mark and recapture?
Capturing animals and marking them with a radio collar or tag and releasing them to be recaptured later
What are 2 factors that ADD to a population?
What human activity produces excess CO2 into the atmosphere? (Not breathing)
What is the result we are seeing from poaching?
Endangered animals are becoming extinct
What sphere consists of all the rocks and minerals on Earth?
The interaction of all of the biotic and abiotic factors within a certain geographic range is called an ______?
What are 2 factors that TAKE AWAY from a population?
With increased greenhouse gases, will the Earth warm or cool?
Overpopulation is defined as having too many individuals in a population. Why is this bad?
We will eventually reach the carrying capacity
(Won't be enough resources for all of the individuals)