Fat tissue found underneath the skin.
Subcutaneous fat
What is the function of the placenta?
To pass materials between the mother and her young (food, oxygen, waste)
How long do parent birds typically take care of their young?
Until they can fly
This is a large muscle that helps mammals move air in and out of their lungs.
The diaphragm
Antelopes use their sense of smell to ___________
Avoid predation
This feature allows mammals to have very different diets from species to species.
Differentiated dentition
True or false: ALL mammals give live birth.
False - monotremes lay eggs
Where is milk produced in mammals?
Mammary glands
What is a mammal? Write the full definition.
An endothermic vertebrate with a four-chambered heart, and skin covered with fur or hair
Most give live birth and feed with mother's milk
The main function of fur and hair in mammals..
To insulate (trap in heat)
This feature allows birds to have a diverse range of diets from species to species.
Different beak shapes
What is the function of the crop?
To serve as a storage tank for food
Name a type of monotreme.
Echidna (spiny anteater), duck-billed platypus
Name a type of placental mammal.
Humans, elephants, house mice, any cetacean, primate, etc.
What causes lift?
The difference in air pressure above and below the wing (higher air pressure below, lower air pressure above)
Name a type of marsupial.
Opossum, wallaby, kangaroo, koala, etc.
Name 2 adaptations birds have for flight.
Bones of forelimbs form wings
Hollow bones
Large chest muscles
Feathers, contour/flight feathers
Air sacs
4-chambered heart
Keen nervous system & senses
Why is a 4-chambered heart advantageous?
There is no mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, resulting in more oxygen being delivered to the cells
(more oxygen = more energy from food converted into usable energy; more energy allows for the powering of flight muscles and generating heat)
What is a bird? Write the full definition.
An endothermic vertebrate that has feathers, a 4- chambered heart, and lays eggs
Name an important role birds play in their environment.
Pollinating flowers
Distributing seeds away from parent plants
Eating pests