Side Effects
Stops ovulation, thins uterine lining and thickens cervical mucus
What is the pill

5 out of 10 become pregnant before age 20 and 30 - 50% never graduate from High School.

What are US teenagers


This myth, sometimes told by teenage boys that "you can't get pregnant the first time."

What is FALSE!


A potential more common side effect caused by hormonal birth control... or a screaming baby

What is a headache

Must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse or failure of contraception method (and not all states require a prescription)
What is Plan B or the morning after pill

This method is given ONCE every three months, is 99.7% effective and works the same as the pill

What is the Depo-Provera injection

The birth control shot (sometimes called Depo-Provera, the Depo shot, or DMPA) contains the hormone progestin.  Progestin stops you from getting pregnant by preventing ovulation.  When there’s no egg in the tube, pregnancy can’t happen. It also works by making cervical mucus thicker. When the mucus on the cervix is thicker, the sperm can’t get through. And when the sperm and the egg can’t get together, pregnancy can’t happen.


Highly effective against the majority of sexually transmitted infections

What is the condom


Being on the Pill for a long time will make it harder for someone to get pregnant later.

What is FALSE! This holds true for all methods of hormonal contraceptives, with the exception of the Depo-Provera shot

Commonly caused by the Depo-Provera injection... and a newborn baby or a double espresso late at night
What is difficulty sleeping
Only polyurethane and this other type of condom protect against sexually transmitted infections
What is latex

These methods have higher failure rates than hormonal methods due to design and human error

What is barrier methods (condom, diaphragm, dental dam, cervical cap)


Decreases instance of ovarian cysts and acne, prevents uterine and ovarian cancer and shortens periods

What is the pill


The pill offers no protection from STI's

What is True.


Can be a side effect caused by hormonal birth control... or lots of ice cream, pizza, French fries, grande mocha frappuccinos...

What is weight gain


This commonly prescribed family of medication reduces effectiveness of oral contraceptives

What are antibiotics.

Other medications that can diminish the effectiveness of birth control include but are not limited to: meds for HIV, depression, anxiety, seizures and diabetes.

This method does not require a fitting, does not require spermicide and requires a new one monthly
What is a vaginal ring (NuvaRing)
Allows YOU to decide when to start a family
What is ALL birth control methods

There is a procedure performed on a man or a woman that permanently sterilizes them

What is True. Female = Tubal Ligation Male = Vasectomy


Like a pregnancy, this can happen to the IUD within the first year of insertion

What is expulsion. 

Expulsion occurs when your IUD falls out of the uterus. It may fall out partially or completely. It’s not always clear why an IUD is expelled, but the risk of it happening is higher during your period. If an IUD is expelled to any degree, it must be removed.

When should women using a diaphragm or cervical cap should be refitted
When is after giving birth or significant weight loss/gain
This method was once only prescribed to women who had given birth naturally, but is now deemed safe for women who have not given birth yet
What is an IUD (intra uterine device)
Most doctors won't prescribe the pill unless the patient stops this unhealthy habit as it increases the risk for blood clots
What is quit smoking

A new mother can't get pregnant while she is breast feeding.

What is False. Breastfeeding-as-birth control is also called the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM). “Lactational” refers to breastfeeding, and “amenorrhea” means not having your period. 

About 2 out of 100 people who use breastfeeding as birth control get pregnant in the 6 months it can be used after a baby is born.

Breastfeeding won’t prevent pregnancy if you feed your baby anything other than breast milk. So, if you breastfeed but also use formula, LAM isn’t a great birth control method for you.

This is the most notable negative side effect of condoms claiming a loss of sensation or an impact on romance
What is a sexual partner's resistance to using them
This method is 100% effective 100% of the time in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections
What is abstinence