Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5

When you look at a world map, where are most of the volcanoes located? What pattern do they form?

What is most of the volcanoes form a horseshoe shape around the Pacific Ocean called the Ring of Fire.


Characteristics of a shield volcano.

What is...

Dome shaped

Less explosive/gentle volcano

Thin lava

Basalt rocks


Do mountains last forever? Why or why not?

What is...no, mountains start as solid rock but the rock breaks into smaller pieces and the pieces roll down the mountain.


What could be evidence that a volcano is near where you live?

What is...if you find basalt or felsite rocks near where you live.


What are landslides?

What is landslides are made of rocks or soil that slide down a slope.


Why might you find lava rocks so far away from the Ring of Fire?

What is the lava rocks could come from an active volcano that’s not near the Ring of Fire or from an inactive volcano that doesn’t erupt anymore.


Characteristics of a cone volcano.

What is...

Cone/triangle shaped


Thick lava

Felsite Rocks


What is root wedging? 

What is... the process of seeds entering cracks in the rock. As the roots grow, the crack gets wider and the rock breaks.  


What would most likely cause the rocks at the bottom of a shorter mountain to be less eroded than rocks at the bottom of a taller mountain?

What is...more distance for rocks to fall down a taller mountain vs. a smaller mountain.


What causes landslides?

What is landslides can happen when there is loose rock on a slope of more than 35º and there has been a lot of rain.


Is it possible for a volcano to erupt where you live? Why or why not?

What is it is possible for a volcano to erupt anywhere but it is most likely to erupt near the Ring of Fire. Since I do not live near the Ring of Fire, it is less likely to happen.


Volcano that produces basalt and thin lava.

What is a shield volcano.


What is ice wedging?

What is the process of water entering cracks in the rock. As the water freezes, the crack gets wider and the rock breaks.  


How could a fossil get inside solid rock?

What is...over time dust/dirt/sediment piles up over the fossils.


Imagine that you are camping in a hilly area. How can you figure out if it’s a safe place to camp?

What is...look to see if there is a lot of loose rock, if the slope is greater than 35º and if there has been or will be a lot of rain.


True or False: Earthquakes do not form any kind of pattern.

What is...false.

Volcano that produces felsite and thick lava.

What is a cone volcano.


How does solid rock break into smaller pieces?

What is...ice wedging, root wedging, and as rocks tumble down the mountain, the sharp edges can break off.


What is sedimentary rock?

What is...layers of sediment that is built up over time.


What are ways to stop landslides?

Have nets to catch falling rocks, build a moat for rocks to fall into, dig steps into the side of the hill for rocks to fall into, and have more durable homes.


True or False: Volcanoes and earthquakes have similar patterns of where they are located.

What is...true.


Which volcanoes are more likely to explode, the ones with thick lava or thin lava? Why? What evidence do you have?

What is volcanoes with thick lava trap the gas bubbles. Eventually the gas makes the volcano explode. In the activity, I saw the thick lava trap the gas bubbles longer and then they popped.


How are rocks at the top of a mountain different than the ones at the bottom?

What is rocks at the bottom of the mountain are smoother because as they tumble the sharp corners break off.


How could you observe and compare rocks from the top of a mountain to rocks at the bottom of a mountain?

What is...you could compare rocks found halfway down the mountain to rocks found at the bottom of the mountain. You could take pictures of the rocks that you find in these locations. Also, you could measure how big the rocks are in these locations.


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I am ready to "rock" this test!
