North Carolina
Hong's Favorite Color
Hong's first job
Define Vtuber
The name of Hong's older brother
The college/university Hong attended
Motlow Community College
Hong's favorite board game
The age Hong started working
18 years old
The biggest Vtuber company Hong is a fan of
Hong's favorite Three color combo in Magic
The high school Hong attended
Smyrna High School
Hong's favorite video game
Doki Doki Literature Club
The month and year Hong started training at Murfreesboro Escape Rooms
November 2021
The number of vtuber acrylic standees Hong owns (2 below or under)
The one physical Hobby Hong did for years
The year of high school Hong wore a skirt to a presentation and for what class
Junior, English Class
Hong's favorite anime
Girls' Last Tour
The job between Burger King and MER
Taco Bell
The amount of total money Hong has donated to vtubers ($200 below or under)
The years Hong has practiced writing (2 below or under)
5 phrases/words Hong says everytime
"Me when"
"Call me __ the way I ___"
"Sorry for what"
"I love ___"
Top 5 Hong's wives (not exclusive to anime)
Monika, Mordred, Tali, Mami, and Nerissa Ravencroft
All of Hong's jobs and the year he started working them
Burger King - 2020, Taco bell - 2021, MER - 2022, Main Event - 2023
Put these in order to most favorite to least favorite
A. Dizzy Dokuro
B. Umi Kyoku
C. Daisy Dandilion
D. Nerrisa Ravencroft
E. Chiwadesu
A, C, E, D, B
Name all the TCGs Hong has played that are not Magic, Pokemon, or Digimon
Lorcona, Star wars, Oshi Push, Flesh and blood, Hololive OCG, Cardfight Vanguard, Shadowverse, Weiß Schwarz, Dragon Ball, One Piece