Favorite books
powerless cruel prince and better than the movies
What do children hit at birthday parties until candy falls out
What is a golden birthday
When you turn the same age as the day you were born
What was my moms last name before she got married
Who is my favorite teacher in school?
Miss Fink
How many inches did I cut off my hair?
6 inches
favorite Billie Eilish song(s)?
The greatest and CHIHRO
What is my soccer number hint? It’s also my favorite number.
Which has more cousins, my mom or my dad side
My dad side
What was my last trimester elective saveena you cannot answer sorry loll
Porch signs
Who scandalously sang happy birthday to president John. F. Kennedy?
Marilyn Monroe
What are my top three favorite artists extra points if you get them in order
Number one is Billie Eilish number two is greasy Abrams number three is Taylor Swift
how long have I been playing soccer for 56789 or 10 years?
10 years
What of the cousins that go to our school?
Kellen, Ellie, and Charlie
What’s my elective of this trimester?
Book club
Do I like baking or cooking better?
Favorite snack
Popcorn and hot chocolate
How many birthday cards are sent each year in the US on average? (closest gets points)
2 billion
What are aubreys and Molly‘s middle names?
Nicole and Josephine
I name of my school before Saint John’s
What is the first place I go to when I go to target
Book section
What is my favorite color extra points for being specific?
Billie Eilish blue
What is the birthstone for the month of July?
What was America’s first national park?
Yellowstone national park
what is every school sport I’ve played